Part 26

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I didn't write yesterday. But it was legit a crazy ass fucking day. I had today off which was nice so i figured it'd be just something i could do today instead of being too tired to think of shit to write. But actually today is Leap Day. Which if you know anything, occurs once every 4 years. Because technically there isn't 365 days a year. There is actually 365.2422 every year. And During so called leap year there is to be 366 days because the accumulated time could potentially build up and it'd be a whole thing. Actually it occurs every year that is divisible by 4... there are some years that aren't going to have it occur. Pass year included 1700, 1800 and 1900 the next is 2100  It's all based on the Julian calendar going back to the BC era. There's a whole science behind it. But i was a bit glad i got the day off i was able to preform a beautiful ceremony surrounding the number 4 and all of the pure manifestations that come from within my personal being. Leap day is a good time to cast upon for things that could be long term manifestations, things that could be longing things that take time. It is also a day that could be a boost with luck, love and relationship. my casting was nice and i talked to vanessa today. She was good i told her the whole story about yesterday. That's how wild it is. Ill get to that in a moment. But i was glad to hear her voice, she said it was all well and is looking good so it's like we're just waiting on the results for the what they took from the surgery. That will determine if she's good and won't have to have any further medication or anything like that, or if they didn't get all the cancer and will have to do further things to help get rid of it. But the Doctor is very optimistic. that she got it all. We have good feelings about it. She's off those shitty meds that were fucking up her body too and she said she is feeling that sense of regularity back. I'm really glad, i knew it was going to go well, plus I love Vanessa and i don't know what I'd do without her. Me and Diamond talked about her yesterday. I had gotten off the phone and had some fire ass Chinese food, i hadn't had that in some time. I got that steak, onion and peppers, some crabragoon (I'm a slut for some crabragoon), some of the house rice and a few shrimp egg rolls. It was so good and i ate a fat plate. Shlapppeddd

Yesterday, that was a day man. So April, being the irresponsible reckless person she is, fucked her stomach up for another time and called in sick. So The temporary SM while Vanessa is out, Natasha, went about finding help for me and Diamond. Otherwise we kind of prepared ourselves to close by ourselves. To be fair, we have done that before, maybe not just us two but we have been through that before. There was a night it was just me and Grant. And Diamond had to do it with just her and Sarah (dumb bitch ). So it's like we have dealt with it before. I think there has been other occasions too were it was just 2 people. We know what to do, we know how to get it together as much as we need to. But Natasha was able to get us some guy to come in. Actually if I'm not mistaken, i brought up the fact that he came and helped the night before, Tom. He had told her that he was going to be at the store around 5-5:15, HE doesn't show up until 5:45ish, which is whatever at least we have some help. He is there for a few minutes and he comes up to me and says that he had forgotten his jacket outside in his car, which he parked right outside the front entrance, i could see him from my register. I told him that's fine whatever. I seen him at the car and he was drinking something, and i didn't think much of it maybe he wanted a energy drink or something. After a short bit probably no more than 20 minutes he come to me and asks me a few things and that's when i smelled it...there was liquor on his breathe. And i said to myself that this man was drinking on the job. And i had to call up diamond because there was no way i was just going to let that happen. Not only do we not know him, we don't know what could happen if he drinks too much or if he would get mad with being confronted or whatever. So it's just like i was getting unnerved because of it. I called up Diamond and told her what i thought was going on and she was like no fucking way and i told her that she had to be sure before we got anyone else involved. So she was like talking to him and she took down her mask and she smelled it. He had went to the bathroom more than once and he wasn't even there that long, which was strange in itself. Then the guy kept pressing about doing the cleaning. I told him that i generally take care of the cleaning and that it wasn't really something that like we had outsider people do but i asked if he could do the scrubber towards closing and he said yes he knew what to do. I had to clarify that he knew about THAT scrubber in particular because they have different once at other stores, he claims he did so we kind of made that plan. But he kept asking about cleaning stuff, and he would walk around as if he was scrapping but he had maybe pulled like not even 10 empty boxes. He wasn't taking the scrap cart with him anywhere, and he was just walking around looking really lost and like a zombie or something. 

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