Part 24

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I'm tired honestly, but also  for a Sunday it wasn't as grueling towards the end of the night as it usually is on most Sundays. Actually, to my surprise, all the customers where out of the store at like 7:55 and we close at 8. There is often that people are there after we close, and sometimes extended times after we close. Like we be having to actually tell people that the registers are closing and shit. Like it sometimes blows me away how they think we aren't going to kick them out or something. Like there is a reason stores close and open at the times they do. You don't just get to do what the fuck you want and lollygag about doing whatever. This one lady, she's the actual worst. So not only does she come in the store like 30 minutes before we close, fill her cart to the brim with shit, she also has the audacity to have more than 2 forms of payment sometimes AND she will take her time bagging her shit up. Like that bitch pisses me off. Matter of fact, last time she was in Justin actually told her we aren't doing that anymore. That would be her last time doing that, and doing what she wants taking her time and our time. Because with customers in the store we can't get all of our closing things done. Like the rules are in place for reasons. She also has the tendency to have her kids go and get things that she forgot to grab before she got to the checkout (which most of the time isn't until at least 8:10) and takes even more time. There has been a time where she was at the store until almost 9. IF she comes in again we are to tell her that she has a certain time limit and she has to be out of the store even if she has all the things she wants or not. So there are multiple people that take advantage of our store and our customer service but she's the actual worst. An she even be trying to make us employees seem like we are the problem or we are the dumb ones. You know you have to pay for the bags at our store, an she be trying to buy more bags when we are trying to close the store on the computer, and in order to do that we have to close the registers. AND SHE WILL TRY TO BUY MORE BAGS AFTER HAVE ALL THE REGISTERS CLOSED! That bitch irritates my soul. I just have never went into a store and thought "oh I'm going to take my time." And i don't even want to go shopping at a store, like full shopping, with a small amount of time left. I think it is rude. If i am in a store towards close, I'm going to move as fast as possible to be able to like get out because i don't want to be there past the time they are open because that's just a common curtesy. There are many people that take their time towards close and after close and it really baffles me. My mom is one of those people. Growing up she would do that and i would feel embarrassed that we were there so late. I mean you can feel the people working there looking at you to get the fuck out because you really aren't supposed to be there anymore anyways. It blows me away really. She still does that. She's actually done that at my store too, and i have said something to her before. I've said one, "so like are you gonna hurry up and get out so we can finish closing or what." And she'll be like ,"girrrllll" but like...c'mon ma. I would saying kind of jokingly with her, but like she knows I'm right. 

Oh my god, tomorrow is going to be one of the last days we get work with Brian! That sucks so much. I love working with Brian, also...Gabby told me the extant of it, but she did put in her 2 weeks. She is going to be a nurse in the navy. I gave her big props, that's a big thing to do and I'm actually very impressed she's going to peruse that. I might have mentioned it before but Brian is going to be a welder, and he got a nice welding job set up because he graduated from welding school not that long ago. To be fair he's been working on that for quite some time so I'm glad he's going to do something that he enjoys. I kind of doubt it knowing him and how he is, but i kind of hope he would maybe want to hang out outside of work. He's really cool and like we have similar interest so like maybe he'd wanna go hiking or some shit. I know he'd be down for that, just with me or not is the question. I'm gonna find out. Because i consider him a homie at this point, but i wanna be friend's friends with him. He has talked about the fact that he likes working with me, which you know same bro. I'm going to try to enjoy the last few days of him working with us because he is chill. He said he will come in shopping too, but like with this new job he might even have to move so he won't even b able to shop anymore. That sucks. I'll check on him from time to time, if he replies or not is the real thing i wonder about. 

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