Part 17

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Today was a weird day. Like i went into work a bit early because it was busy right, but like it wasn't busy busy the whole day. And yet we still had to take care of a lot before we left tonight. Like we stayed about 45 minutes after our scheduled clock out time, which is like still kind of pushing it on the clock out times. Actually our store has the highest clock our rate , and like sometimes it's just honestly inevitable when you're taking into count the people we have to work with. Plus we were down a person, which we kind of had a feeling she's going to get fired anyways because she legit did a no call no show and legit just avoided even contacting Vanessa and letting her know she wouldn't be in, and didn't get anyone to cover her shift. We're talking about Ashley by the way. That one bitch. I put $5 down betting she wont come in tomorrow either. But like she really wants them to fire her. Like who does she think she is really man. Girl you hardly work when you here anyway get the fuck out. But i ended up cleaning the front and the floors because i just knew Alison wasn't going to be fast enough or "have time" as she puts it. Which you know is the case sometimes but like i don't know, she be pushing it sometimes. Because she almost always has a lot left to do after close and for the most part it's supposed to be done or like basically done when we close. She also had that scatter brain going on  all the time where she legit can't do one task at a time and it kills me. I swear if she could just focus on one thing at a time that'd be great. I was actually telling Diamond i don't think Alison likes me. Like i think she kind of just tolerates me to a certain extant. Just because like she do be getting snippy with me when i have her do simple tasks, and she can't take a joke sometimes. Or like she's offered a ride to diamond and has taken her home multiple times. But she's never offered to take me. To be fair, Diamond is nicer then me. And she is usually nicer to the staff in general, it just seems like she doesn't like me that's all. Honestly, i kind of don't care though. Like it's a job still and sometimes you have to say things or be stern with people, and i am. Because i know that that needs to happen sometimes, and if that means someone thinks I'm mean then so be it. I said today was weird though because it just was. Even Diamond said it was, Like it seemed like a lot but at the same time we got everything done we needed to get done. Whatever, tomorrow is Sunday and i legit hate Sundays at the store because it's just a lot most of the time and the craziest shit happens. We'll see how it goes i guess, and if that goofy bitch shows up. 

I started rewatching A Handmaids Tale. If you haven't seen it watch it,. it's literally so good. I wanted to rewatch it for some reason yesterday so i went for it. And there are parts i don't really remember so like I'm glad i chose to reach it. I think the latest 2 seasons i haven't seen so i am looking forward to seeing that part of it. If you don't know what this show is about, basically it's from the point of view of the handmaids in this society that had kind of taken control of the United states where women basically don't have ant rights. It's turned into a place called Gilead and there's so many weird rules and laws that they've come up with to get people to do what they say, but they're evil as hell. But there's a thing going around the world at the time where there aren't children being born, in some countries they haven't had a birth in years. And this new place has that promise of new births because they can control how its done. And the handmaids are legit women who they got captivity of that are known people who have had kids and are being basically forced into having children for these rich people that can't have kids themselves. In order for them to get pregnant they are forced to be apart of the "ceremony" where the handmaid is laying in between the wife's legs while the husband is like banging forcefully. It's so fucked up. They do low key torture the handmaids to get them to behave, and are just related like objects and property. It's so fucking crazy. Highly recommend show, 10/10. I mean I'm pretty sure it's gotten awards. The main character, June(Offred), is played by Elizabeth Moss and she does such a phenomenal job. She herself has gotten a Emmy and a golden globe for her performances if not more than that. If that doesn't tell you how good it is i don't know what will. It one of those shows that just leave you wanting more after each episode, so it's easy to binge it even when you need to go to bed. Go watch it. 

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