Part 25

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Ugh, i really am going to miss Brian. Tomorrow is the official last day ill be working with him. Literally the whole time we where working today we had a good time. It's weird with him really, like i just be going back and forth with him allll day. And we both have that thing where we have a specific kind of humor and we have it. Sometimes we will both laugh at something and other people, or Diamond will be so confused and that makes it funnier. I love it. I'm going to get a hug from the bitch before we leave tomorrow. Also can we talk about how he showed me pictures of him from a few years ago and that man was like RIPPED. Like he had muscles bulging on his back, that's how muscley he was. I was like damn who are you dawg. Why did that make me little attracted to him. I hate that, like why i be getting emotionally attracted to people that be leaving like damn man. Damn it Brian. Nah we did have the conversation today though that i think he's a homie. Because i had to text him and remind him that he had to be in at the store 4 today and he legit said something to me about. He was like, "yeah why the fuck did you text me today?" And i was like, uhh to help you bitch. And he was like, "why?" And i told him to help his bitch ass out. Because the last time he had to be in at 4 he was late because he does have the usual shift of 5 and thought it was 5 he was to be in today. I'm almost tempted to text him tomorrow saying the same thing just to be annoying about it. That's kind of what we do to each other though, we be initially annoying. That's okay though, I enjoy the tiffs. 

I have to hold my thought here though because i have to go rinse my hair out, i was replenishing the dye in my hair. Which, i like the dark hair i have right now, it's literally been years since I've had a solid color in my hair. Every since I've worked at the store and some time prior to that my hair has been more than one color at that time. I would do the front part of my hair one color and the back would usually be a dark brown. Or i would even do two colors in the front. I loved playing with my hair. And I got good at it, and i got mad compliments on it. People legit would think that I would get it done professionally but like i did it myself. In the beginning Maria would help me, but i got tired of waiting for someone else to do it so i started doing it on my own. In my life, legit a total of 4 people have touch my hair. And 2 of those where people i had them do it at a salon and only in 1 instance per person. The other two are My mom and Maria obviously.  But back in December i wanted to change it up for real, so i went black with it and I'm gonna stay with that for a bit. Ok BRB


Ugh the process of doing your hair is honestly a lot. I was debating on even doing it when i got home but like i told myself earlier in the day i wanted to do it tonight, and usually if i do that i make time do to do it that day. Very rarely will it be TOO awful late for me to do it, or for me to be too tired either. If so I'll be sure to do it the next day. Like i make it pertinent to do my hair when i feel it needs done. I mean i know doing your hair isn't a important thing to worry about, and it's not something that is a necessity. But for me personally i feel best when my hair feels best. 

Actually it is the next day right now. I was going to continue last night but after all the hair shit i was tired. 

Today was weird as hell. So originally Grant or Justin take care of the Special buy stuff and i tend to run the shift Tuesday nights so they can take care of it. But tonight he called in and was sick i guess. Also calling in tomorrow morning. They got his shifts covered. Today it was like some random people came to the store to help i guess. This old guy, i think it was Tom, and Carlee and some other person i forgot their name it was a weird name. But they all came to help because of the special buy stuff. So i naturally did take over as active manager through the night. IT was also the last night i got to work with Brian, and i did tear up a bit. He was like, "but whyyy" and i was like "i don't know i liked working with you and it's different a it when i enjoy working with some people more than others." I asked if could give him a hug and he was like, "i don't do hugs." I was like damn man but okay. I know some people are just like that, they aren't physical people. I only do get that way though with certain people, just people I'm extra found of. I wasn't like that for most of my life but like after living with maria and seeing what it's like to have people show physical effection, not just with eachother but with me too. They helped me see that and i know what it is like when you aren't comfortable with that. So i get it Brian, i'm not mad bro. But i will miss him. He and i would br cracking the fuck up sometimes at the dumbest shit. And i hope he does come to see it eventually. 

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