Part 29

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It's literally only been like a day and a half since I've written and it feels like forever. Which also, i surpassed 100 readers, that's crazy. I really never anticipated that so let's go.

Sunday was a shit show honestly. Like i don't understand what happens to people on Sundays. It brings out the worst in people or something. Even myself. I like went in around 1 and to be honest, i kind of had a attitude myself. Like for some reason, Cody and Caleb's bitch asses where low key pissing me off for like no reason. Well i guess it's not no reason, but like it was getting to me more for some reason. Like it started with me going in and realizing that for whatever reason there was 5 openers for the store, 1 mid and only 3 closers. Like...why the fuck did they need that many people in the morning, truck wasn't even that big. And then, it was like already busy inside the store and just people anywhere. I had went to the back room to do something and i realized that the fucking scrubber wasn't cleaned after it was they didn't even dump the dirty water. It doesn't really take more than 5-10 minutes to clean that scrubber out if it's being done on a regular basis like it's supposed to be. But i knew who it was Cody of course. So i made it a point to say something to him about it. I was filling the salads, and i walked passed him, Gabby, Grant and Caleb all standing there trying to set part of the special buy area. First of all i don't know why there needed to be all of them over there anyways but that wasn't what pissed me off. I stood there for a second, and i just stared at Cody...i was like what the fuck? and he was like "what???" like an asshole. And i was like "dude you can't clean the scrubber when you're done with it?" And he just started laughing like it was a fucking joke and was about to say a smart ass comment to me, an i was just like "it's not that fucking hard you know." And i started to walk away because i was getting pissed. And i hear Caleb started to say something along the lines of like " yOu KNoW THe sCrUBbEr blah blah blah. " And because i was walking away i straight up yelled as i was walking away, "SHUT THE FUCK UP CALEB NO ONE WAS FUCKING TALKING TO YOU!" It really got to me like...he always does that. He feels the need to put his two cents in when it's not needed. Just mind your fucking business dick. 

Today, because he wants to walk around doing what he wants most of the time when he's on curbside, me and Diamond put him on the registers. It wasn't too busy and he did a decent job. And generally we have the ringer clean the front rooms in between the customers, and we wanted him to. We did get busy the last 2 hours of being open, so he didn't really even get to get away from the registers. When he is on the floor and is supposed to be working on scrapping and getting the store together at the end of the night, he will prolong a lot of stuff until it's time for him to start scrubbing. So like i just...i don't like him. He does what he wants and no one ever gets on him about stuff. Buttt as of next Monday, my promotion finally goes through. That means I'm going to be trained on whatever it is i haven't learned for being a manager. And there will be nights that I'm the only person opening the store as a manager, or closing the store as a manager. Certain people i will be on top of. And if they are new I'm going to be on top of them.

 Aldi is a world where it's a very independent job, you know a place where there is minimal staff and you are supposed to get things done as they need done. And some people take that as they get to do WHAT they want when they want to, not when it needs to be done. Now the job can be a lot when it's busy. There can be a lot to do but its just like if tasks that are really essential are getting done in a adequate amount of time and efficiently, it's not that bad.  I think the customers are what can make the job hectic, but that's any customer service job. I really don't think everyone is set to be in customer service, they just do it because it's there and it's a job. Maybe it's just me, but i also really feel like you have to actually give a little bit of a shit about your job...even if it's at a store. I mean, it's the place that you're going to be at at least 8 hours of your day, that's a 3rd of your day. Why would you not care at least a little bit about the environment that you're going to be at. That kind gets to me sometimes. So like when people act like they could give a fuck less about the store when they are there, or they don't take the other employee's into consideration of their actions that shit bothers me. And honestly makes me not like you. Your work ethic is a small reflection of who you are. That sounds corny, but like i stand by that. I think i care too much sometimes but I've said it before i am a bit attached to the store and i actually do care about my work space. I mean any job I've ever worked i do put effort into my work. It doesn't matter what the job has been. I don't get how people bounce from job to job on a regular basis. Like that would drive me nuts. Having to learn this new job, how it all works, getting comfortable in any way and then dipping after a month. That shits weird to me. Maybe it is the attachment issues i don't know but i don't get it. I know many people that do that too. Maybe it's the fact that i just do have a caring heart and a kinder soul then others. Because i also tend to think about the people that I'm leaving at the job I'm leaving from. Getting to know the people you are working with i think is a important thing too, like just getting along with the other employees, or just simply knowing a little bit about each other makes the communication easier. I really do hope that as i become a manger, my empathy will get better.

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