𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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Seven other people? I thought maybe I'd get my own room here. How is that gonna work with my problems? With my nightmares? Those poor people will never sleep again, and it'll be all my fault.

Worst of all, they'll see and hear everything about me. I would be completely exposed.

I should plead with her to give me a different room, but I just nod and grab my bag. 

I walk down the hallway, and am met with the sign at the end of the gray wall.

First Floor: Headmistress' Office and Testing Room

Second Floor: Dormitories for the Headmistress and other instructors

Third Floor: Dormitories for Sections E-H

Fourth Floor: Dormitories for Sections A-D

Really? I have to walk up four flights of stairs. This academy is already turning out to be a bad idea.

You just got there Catherine. Give it some time.

I turn to the gold-colored stairs, and walk up each flight to my floor. my breaths become more and more shallow as I reach the top. I almost collapse on the marble floors that are paired with the maroon color of the hallway.

They're four doors in the hallway, two on each side of the hall. Each door is painted gold with a silver letter from A-D written across it. I walk down the hall, searching for the door with the D, and find it right at the end of the hallway.

I stand outside the door. I clench my shaky hands down on the hems of my dress as my throat tightens. 

Okay, this is it. 

This could either go really good or really really bad. There's no in-between. Hopefully these people don't end up becoming some sort of enemy towards me. My only hope is that at least one, just one of them, could become my friend. And to the ones who aren't, I hope we can at least be civil allies.

But what if this is just a weird fantasy that you can dream of? What if this is just how it's supposed to be horrible and uncomfortable? What if these people betray me totally, or turn into enemies?

The door opens, and I'm greeted by a short girl with tan skin and two green eyes that widen when they meet mine. She's wearing a red dress, and she stands there eyeing me up and down with wide, excited eyes.

She does this for a few seconds before smiling, "Sophie!" She squeals, "We finally got our last roommate in!" Her high-pitched squeals makes my head pound around my ears.

Her smile grows as her eyes scan my face. I bring a hand up to my head to rub away the throbbing sensation.

Another girl comes up to the door with dark brown hair, this time straight, and brown eyes. She has the same brown skin and facial structure as the first girl, but she's just a few inches taller, we actually might be the same height. She's instead wearing a yellow dress.

They must be related somehow.

The girl stares at me with a bored expression on her face. Straight face, tired eyes, very low energy.

"Hey, I'm Sophie." Her voice is several tones lower than Jessie's, and it comforts my eardrums.

My hands start shaking at my sides. They both stand there and stare at me as my throat starts to tighten.

Are they expecting me to say something or? 

I nod at them, and they stand there just staring me up and down. Oh God, they have to be judging me. 

Already? I've been here for two seconds, and I've already messed up. 

Come on, say something.

𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 (𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓞𝓷𝓮)Where stories live. Discover now