Episode 7, Chapter 21

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Citizen Z's voice played over the radio, giving Y/n's father a send off, Y/n was still staring off into the distance, when the radiator went out, her mind was replaying memories of her family, when a recent one played.


The team was laying around a firepit 10k had found in somebody's backyard, I was laying on my dads lap, while Warren played with my hair. Everybody else was chatting and eating food, some spare nuts, and cans of beans. "I love you Y/n." Dad said, looking down at me with a smile, I smiled back at him, "I love you too dad, you as well Roberta." she winked at me and mouthed "I love you too." My dads smile dropped as he watched 10k take out a Z with his slingshot. "Y/n if I don't make it, I need you to do something for me." he said, his eyes sad. My stomach knotted in worry, "Yeah?" he nodded and sighed, "If I don't make it, I need you to get Murphy to Cali, and before you say anything, You are strong enough, help Warren out and get him there, for B/n and every other kid out there." I gulped, my throat thick, "I-I promise." I said, nodding. His smile returned but with less force, "Good, I know I can count on you to do the right thing."

End of flashback

10k watched Y/n closely as the truck shuttered to a stop, her eyes seemed to be returning to their E/C, instead of the duller version, he hoped she was okay, as he jumped out of the bed to help with the truck. Ava and B/n were still tucked into her side and he nodded at Ava, who nodded back.

All of a sudden I could see again, the blue sky, dead grass, and large trees, I leant forward startling the kids, "Y/n! Are you okay!" Ava asked as she hugged me, I hugged her back, "No, I'm not okay, but I will be." I said firmly, pressing a kiss to both their heads, I looked around again, noticing that everybody was in front of the truck. "I'll be back." I said, slowly standing up, I jumped over the side of the truck, everybody looked up in surprise. "Hey kid!" Doc said, walking up to me and pulling me into his arms. "Doc, guys." I nodded, then stood by the hood, "What's the issue?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. Mack stood next to me, wearing a helmet as was Addy, because they had apparently found a dirt bike. "Radiators out." 10k said, popping out from underneath the truck, I yelped and jumped backwards, "Jesus 10k next time warn me before you appear out of thin air."

He smiled and muttered a "Sorry." Addy gave me a side hug, "How are you feeling?" she asked quietly, I frowned and replied, "Shitty, but I'll survive." Mack leaned on the truck, "Fixable?" he asked, Doc looked down and sighed, "Don't know." Murphy rolled his eyes, "Gee, if we only had a mechanic." he said, referring to Warren. "You got to let her deal, man. She's got that post-traumatic stress." Doc replied, "She's got post-traumatic stress? The whole world's got post-traumatic stress. Actually there isn't anything post about it. We all got plain ol' present tense, all traumatic, all stress all the time. What makes her so special?" Murphy sassed, "Can it Murphy." I responded, peering into the engine.

"All right, Addy and I will scout up ahead. See if we can get some help." Mack said, turning to walk back to his bike. "We will?" Addy asked, confused. "Yeah." Mack responded with a nod. "Yeah, I dunno, guys. I think we should stick together." Doc said, shaking his head. "No, Doc. Don't worry. We're just gonna scout ahead and circle back around and find you. I mean it's not like you're getting far in the truck." Mack said, straddling the bike, "Come straight back Mack." I said, nodding at him. "Uh huh." he replied, as Addy got on behind him.

10k rolled out from under the truck and stood to his full height, "I found the leak in the radiator hose. Taped it up a little bit, but we're not going anywhere unless we get some water in there." he said, standing next to me and laying his arm across my shoulders. "Cass, Murphy gather up some water." I said, leaning on 10k's shoulder. Cassandra nodded and scurried around the truck, while Murphy took his sweet time. "Hustle Murphy!" I called, scratching my neck.

They came back moments later with a couple water bottles in hand, Doc started dumping them into the radiator, while Murphy tried to chug his water, I walked over to him and swiped it out of his hands "I get thirsty." he complained. "We all get thirsty." Doc replied, as I handed him Murphy's flask.

"I'll drive." 10k said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the truck, pushing me into the middle of the front seat, before climbing in next to me. "Knock yourself out, kid." I heard Doc reply, before moments later climbing into the passenger seat, Murphy and Cassandra crawling into the backseat. 10k put the truck in gear and floored the gas. The truck jolted forward and I had to brace my hands against the dash, so I didn't fly out.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, kid! Easy! Who taught you how to drive?" Doc exclaimed, looking at him in disbelief. "Ahhh...no one." 10k replied, "Okay hold on, put it in park 10k!" I said, tapping his arm, he complied and I slid over 10k's lap and out of the truck, I walked out to the bed and saw Ava clutching B/n tightly. "Get in the truck you guys." I said, reaching my arms out for B/n to grab, I grabbed him and sat him on Warren's lap, buckling them both up, Warren was still silent so I gave her a kiss on the cheek, then sat Ava on Cass's lap, who buckled them both up, then I climbed back into the front, buckling myself up. "Hands on the ten and the two. And easy on the gas." Doc instructed.

~~Time Skip~~

10k came to a fork in the road, he had been doing okay so far, "Go right." Murphy said, leaning forward, and sticking his hand right next to my face. "Why right?" Doc asked. "Why not?" Murphy shrugged, "Wow, valid reason there Murphy." I said sarcastically. "No Zs. That's a good sign. Getting interesting. Liquor! Now you're talking. Murphy, we're gonna have to let you navigate more often!" Doc said, as we drove up to a small group of buildings. Doc and Murphy laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Congratulations, son. You're now the designated driver." Doc smiled at 10k."What's that mean?" 10k asked confused, "It means step on it!" Doc laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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