Episode 1, Chapter 2

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"Camp Blue Sky, this is mobile one. Blue Sky, this is mobile one. Over." warren said into the radio. "Hey guys, I need you to get back to us. It's time for our 8 p.m. signal check." she continued. 

"What are you wasting time for? You said yourself they'd be fine." Murphy called ducking his head out the window. I glared at him, huffed and re-adjusted my grip on B/n hand who was playing with his pocket knife. 

"look there must be something wrong" dad shouted then lowered his voice walking over to warren and I "if we don't hear from them soon we are going to have to go back" Warren nodded and looked to me she was about to say something when lieutenant Hammond said "I don't think I can let you do that."

 my dad turned to his and said "if somethings wrong with my people, I don't give a damn about your mission, or you!" "were going back" I said picking up b/n and angrily stalking back towards the truck. "look!" Hammond said training his gun on me I stopped and glared at him.

 "I appreciate your loyalty to those folks. I do. But you don't know what I know about this man." "why should we believe a word you say?" warren questions pushing me behind herself pissed off at the man for aiming a gun at her girl.

 "get out of the car" lieutenant Hammond said to Murphy oddly calm. He stepped forward closing the back door of the truck and opening the drivers side. "show them. show them why your so goddamn important" he yells dragging Murphy out of the truck roughly. 

 "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Murphy screeches. I watch as this happens thinking fuck him up, fuck him up! "show them why so many good men died getting you this far! show them!" he repeated.

 Murphy slowly starts to lift up his shirt revealing his abdomen covered in bites. I grabbed my gun out of my holster ready to shoot if anything happens. I glanced at my dad to see a look of horror pass his face. He glances to me, warren, and b/n as if to say your all seeing this too right?  "what happened" warren whispered softly.

"those are zombie bites, eight of 'em" Hammond said stating the obvious. "no shit" I scoffed glancing to my dad then warren and back again. "why is he still alive?" warren said extremely confused. "and not a zombie" my dad said pulling out his gun and training it at Murphy. I copied his movements and set b/n down to shield him with my body.

 "hey, hey" Hammond said calmly. "he was given the only dose of an experimental vaccine right before he was bitten" he continued. "Those un-dead bastards got two of my ribs right here." he said gesturing to one of his scars.

 "shut up! At least your still alive! more than I can say for my men." Hammond snapped. Murphy looked to him with a look of anger at being told to shut up. I hid my face in my hand to stop myself from laughing.

 "your looking at the only human known to survive being bitten by a zombie." "His body carries the anti-bodies for the ZN1 virus. if we can get him to the lab in California they can use his blood to make more of the vaccine." he continued.

 "may day, may day calling camp blue sky this is doc with Thomson and Carver what is your situation? over." the radio rung out all three of us rushed for the radio that was sitting on top of the hood of the truck, I reached it first as I was the fastest.

"Y/N to Doc I copy you. what is going on?" I said panicking. "Y/N Garnett? thank God your alive! we though everyone was dead!" doc shouted from the radio. "Were not at camp blue sky. what is happening?" my dad responded taking the walkie from me. Batt-eries...dy..in..g. the radio fizzled out. "wait say again?" dad said.

"blue sky has been over run...the whole place is on fire!" we heard doc shout. my dad ran his hand through his hair and asked "survivors?" "well there was a ton of gunfire a while ago but nothing since." doc said.

 "Shitt!" I cussed jumping in the drivers seat and starting up the truck. everyone else jumped in the car while warren climbed in with b/n on her lap. I pressed on the gas and we went speeding down the road.

Ten minutes later I saw Mack, Addy, and Doc walk up a hill and come face to face with a couple of z's  so I did the responsible thing...I sped up and while my dad was screaming for me to stop I simply yelled "fasten your seat belts it's gonna get bumpy!"

A couple seconds later I slammed the truck into the decaying zombies and blood spattered the windshield. warren rolled down her window and yelled "get in!" doc scrambled into the back seat as Mack and addy quite literally jumped in to the bed of the truck.

 Mack fired off a couple off shots and screamed "go, go, go" i slammed my foot on the gas and we shot off the road with the hungry zombies screaming and chasing after us.

My dad  turned around in his seat and asked the breathless doc "how many more?" "nobody!" doc said wheezing. "nobody?" warren repeated from the middle seat. "nobody im sure!" doc yelled finally regaining his breath. "Donna, Marion?" my dad asked. "I'm pretty sure when doc says nobody he means nobody dad!" I spoke up shifting gears.

 "there wasn't even enough time to show anybody mercy. there is nobody back there but z's. I'm sorry guys. we tried." he said scratching his beard. "nothing left for 'em now except for gods mercy." dad said turning back around. "Amen" I said loud enough for him to hear. He gave me a sad smile in return. "It's time to go then. come on" Hammond said sitting forward. 

After twenty minutes of silent driving Murphy broke the silence with his selfishness. "I don't know what we brought them along for" he said scratching his head. I glared at him through the rear-view mirror and growled "because, one there my fucking family and two there human beings and deserve to live too!" 

"how much farther till this rendezvous?" my dad said turning around in his seat to try to ease the tension. "few more clicks got some vehicles and a team of killers waiting." Hammond said, looking at my dad. "its an old high-school with a civil defense shelter in the basement supposedly there are still some rations there." "when was the last time you made contact with them?" warren asked playing patty-cake with b/n. "About a month ago" Hammond said. 

                    time skip

we pulled up to the deserted high-school "looks like schools out for the summer" I mumbled stepping out of the truck. warren gave me a look that I couldn't quite decipher as i climbed onto the hood of the truck and sat down. Murphy jumped out of the truck only to be followed by Hammond jumping out and pushing him back in.

 Hammond pulled his gun up to his face scouting around he walked over to a car that looked like it had crashed. "is it them?" Murphy called out from the back seat I whipped around and growled through the window. "shut up! do you want to attract every Z in a hundred mile radius?"

 Hammond looked to the ground as only half a Z came crawling out from under the car. "Yeah." Hammond said mercying the Z. "I gotta pee" Murphy said getting out as everybody else followed. I slid off the hood as my dad came over and kissed my forehead and I heard warren say "don't go far."

 "be safe." I told him "Always am princess" he responded "you know I am not a princess because I have a prince" I said gesturing toward b/n "but because my daddy is a king" he grinned. "what would I do without you?" he asked. "lets hope we never find out" warren said walking around the side of the truck.

 warren and my dad walked up to Hammond and I could no longer hear there conversation so I scooped up b/n and climbed into the truck bed with Doc, Mack, and Addy.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now