Episode 6 Chapter 20

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We ran out of the kitchen, Mack punching a Zombie on our way out, I kept my knife in hand, the one time we let our guard down, I swear.

Mack, Addy, Cass, Doc, the Kids and I ran into the hallway, a Z following us, Doc tried to lock it in the kitchen, but it squeezed through the door, so we took off running again, and into another kitchen section. I saw the Z about to pounce on Mack, and I yelled, "Mack, behind you." but it was to late it had tackled him, thankfully Addy was there to, so they both got him on the ground.

They struggled for a moment before Addy took an electric mixture to its face, blood spattering everywhere. Cass had B/n and Ava behind her so they couldn't see, "Oh, that was a bad one." Addy gasped, sliding down the counter. Doc and I had our backs to the door, looking at the Zombie on the floor. "Where's Murphy?" Mack asked, also on the ground breathing heavily.

"The last we saw, he ran out some other door." Cassandra panted, holding Ava's hand. "We need a leash for that guy." Doc groaned. I shook my head, "No we just need to kick his ass a couple times."

A thought suddenly crossed my mind, "Dad!" Everybody looked at me. "Dad doesn't know! We have to find him!"

After about twenty minutes of searching we found him, Warren, and Joe in a hallway. "Garnett!" Mack yelled, running towards him, the rest of us following. "Thank God you're okay!" Warren cried, pulling me into a hug, my dad yanking me from her grip a moment later and into his own arms. "Where's Murphy?" He yelled, once he pulled away.

"Got separated. Zombies everywhere." Addy panted. "10k?" Dad asked. "He's out there somewhere." Cassandra said. "If anyone can make it he can." Doc said, leaning on the wall. "If only he had his gun." I said darkly, now worried for my sniper boy.

"You have to get to the emergency exit before we're completely overrun." Joe said, taking a deep breath. "Where is it?" Dad asked. "Through those doors. There's a long hallway ending in a reinforced door. It leads outside the perimeter. Don't stop till you hit the woods, then you can double back around to your truck." Joe said, looking around.

"What about you?" Dad asked. "I've got to stay and try to save as many as I can." I grimaced. "With all due respect Sir, I don't think there is anybody left to save." I said, scratching my neck.

Joe shook his head, "I've got to make sure." Dad looked around at all of us with our makeshift weapons. "Ready?" We all nodded and voiced our agreement. "Alright let's go!" Dad said, I quickly threw B/n onto my back and walked quickly besides Addy. We ran down the halls, Ava was up front with my Dad, while Addy and I were side-by-side. "There it is!" My dad shouted, as we finally laid eyes on our escape. Dad tried it first, and my heart plummeted when I heard his words. "It's jammed! It won't open!" There were people running behind us trying to escape as well, and pretty soon we were swarmed.

"Turn around! Turn around! Back up! The door's blocked!" Mack yelled trying to shoo the people away. They didn't listen they just kept on coming. "Guys, we're not gonna make it." Mack said, as we were all pressed into the door, my body squished between Doc and Addy. I could hardly hear over the screaming. Then the Z's started coming, and the screaming got worse, Addy was having a panic attack, so I did my best to focus on her, it wouldn't help anybody if both of us went down.

"Addy come on!" I said, as I held her hand, still pressed firmly against her. "Addy you have to breathe okay!" I said calmly as Mack helped. Her eyes went all hazy and she started sliding down the wall. "Addy! Addy! Addy!" Mack screamed as we both hit the ground with her, trying to snap her out of it. "Stay with me! Addy! Come here." Addy screamed, and snapped awake struggling.

"Addy look at me!" I said grabbing her face, and the screams, shouts, and snarls got closer. "You're okay, we'll be okay. Alright, Just breathe Addison." I said, she started into my eyes as we both took deep breaths. All of a sudden the door burst open and we ran out to see 10k holding a wooden cross. Doc quickly closed the door, the two of them wedging the cross back in front.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now