Episode 5 chapter 18

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Ava was now hugging me as I cried reliving that day was hard but in an odd way, I felt better some how. "See I told you it wasn't your fault." Ava said, playing with my fingers. I smiled an looked at her.

 "Even Lizzie said it wasn't your fault, I bet if she heard you talking like this she'd kick your butt." Ava said letting go of my hand and wiping my tears away, as she was talking I noticed Doc and Mack carrying down Rick the injured man.

"Thank you Aves, you have no idea how much you just helped me." I said leaning down and kissing her forehead. Then I stood up and popped my back, then turned to her "Stay with B/n will you?" I asked she nodded and I ducked out of the fort then stood to my full height, walking over to Doc.

Doc had laid rick out on a table and now Murphy was looking for something, speaking of murphy he looked sick, his hair was gone and he had this ashy tint to his skin. Doc yelled at murphy and I patted Jane on the back, "Don't worry, no one is going to pike your husband." I said smiling softly.

Then Mack suddenly noticed Addy's absence, and ran away screaming her name. Then it was just Doc, Jane and I.

 Rick was mumbling and moaning and Jane comforted him to the best of her ability, Doc and I shared a look as if saying 'Why is it always us?' Then Doc looked back towards the way Mack ran and yelled. "Mack! I need you, man!" Then a few moments later Mack came running around the corner.

"How we doin' Murphy?!" Doc yelled starting to panic. Just then Murphy came around a corner and handed a drill bit to Doc. "Thanks." he said moving up to Rick's head. I was standing next to him observing. "Okay. Just hold him still." Doc said. I looked to Jane apologetically and she nodded.

I grabbed his left shoulder and part of his chest while Mack mimicked me on the opposite side. Jane held both sides of her husbands face, standing by Mack's side.

 "Now look, if this works right there could be a lot of blood. But that's good. That's a good thing because we want to relieve the pressure." Doc rambled nervously taking his position above Rick's head.

"And then that way the brain will have room to..." I cut Doc off, "Don't watch." Jane nodded and moved away standing with her back to mine, watching B/n and Ava play a game. Doc pressed the drill into Rick's head and started drilling. The whirling noise soon filled the silence.

After a few seconds the drill bit got stuck and broke off, "Oh damn. I knew this was gonna happen." Doc said frustrated. He looked around panicked, his eyes landing on Mack.

"Don't look at me... doctor." Mack said, wide eyed. Mack then grabbed his gun out of his pants and Jane freaked out grabbing his hand, I reached across the table and grabbed both their hands. "Jane, Jane calm down, Doc's going to use Mack's gun as a hammer okay." I said gently releasing Mack and Jane's hands.

"As a hammer." Mack said mimicking hammering something. "Jeez, kid." Doc said. "As a hammer. A hammer." Mack repeated appalled. "Oh. That's good." Doc praised now realizing his mistake.

Mack looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders, Mack rolled his eyes. Doc then tapped the bit three times, blood shot out everywhere. Getting Doc's face and hair, Mack's throat and my face and hands. "ugh!" I yelped as the hot blood ran down my face.

"Well I guess that relieved the pressure." I said wrinkling my nose, trying to ignore the stick substance. "Is this gonna work?" Mack asked gesturing with his eyes. "I don't know. I didn't see the end of the episode." Doc said slightly relieved and slightly concerned, as we stepped back.

"He's gonna be all right. I know it. I know it." Jane said calmly. "Here. Just apply pressure. Just like that." Doc said handing Jane a towel.

After about five minutes of silence on Rick's part he started coughing up small amounts of blood. "That's good. That's good." Doc encouraged. "Maybe you should've pulled the drill bit while he was still knocked out." I said trying to wipe the blood off my face but only resulting in smearing it.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now