Episode 6, chapter 19

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We were now in Missouri, stopped for an actual bathroom break this time. The fire truck had crapped out on us a while back, so now we were all in the truck again. We were all lounging while Murphy did his business out in the field.

I don't know why but we were all watching him pee, Mack came back with aviator sunglasses on and said, "No Z's in sight." Then climbed into the truck. I was standing behind 10k massaging his shoulders watching Murphy. 10k was slumped over but still alert.

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" Doc said crossing his arms. "I know. He's looking worse." Dad said chewing on some gum. "Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." Warren said watching said man doing the longest piss ever. "Come on, guys. Give him a break. It's the Apocalypse. None of us look our best." Addy said quietly. "It's like one long bad hair day." I said removing my now cramping hands from 10k's shoulders.

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Mack asked. "Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo." Cassandra said. "Or maybe that vaccine isn't working." 10k shot back.

Murphy turned around to look at us and everybody turned away except for dad and Warren. "What do you think, Doc?" Dad asked quietly. "I've seen Z's look better than him." Doc said nodding towards the man who was slowly getting more ashy.

"Will he make it to California?" Dad asked. "If we haul ass." Doc responded. "If he goes zombie,we might have to put him down." Dad said shaking his head. "Dibs on piking him." Warren, and I all said at the same time. Everyone started laughing, me and Warren playfully glared at each other before rolling our eyes and laughing.

"If he turns, piking him's the least of our problems." Dad said turning back to look at the man who was now doing the shake and tuck. Murphy turned around and walked back towards us, we were all literally just staring at him, no longer talking, just staring.

"What?" Murphy yelled, annoyed. "Pit stop's over. Let's get moving." Dad yelled back. Murphy started walking back to us and said, "I have a ginormous bladder. Sue me."

We all jumped back into the truck careful not to wake the sleeping children, I sat next to 10k as always. "Man, I sure could use some of them Kansas City barbecue ribs about now." Doc said. 

My mouth started watering just at the thought, "Doc." I started looking at him. "Yeah?" he asked climbing into the backseat. "Shut the fuck up." I said half jokingly.

Everybody laughed, then Doc shut the door. Then we were off on our way to a place called province town.

~~~Time Skip~~~

There were stretches of fields for miles, nothing but withering crops. Ava and B/n were sitting with Addy and Doc playing eye-spy. 10k and I were standing and watching with our rifles sat on the cab of the truck.

We were fast approaching a old Z that looked quite a lot like Doc, the Z had decapitated a guy and was now holding the head and looking at us. I sighed and looked at 10k butterflies erupting in my stomach. "Wanna raise your numbers?" I asked, looking at him. 10k shrugged and aimed his gun, taking out the Z and the head.

"One thousand five hundred and fifty four?" I questioned with an unsure smile. 10k looked a little shocked but nodded. "You've been paying attention." He said smiling slightly.

"Well when you're in an unspoken battle of who has the best shot with your friend, you tend to keep track." I hummed looking through my scope and taking out a lady Z. "you count yours?" 10k asked leaning his body against the hood.

"Well I've started keeping track ever since you came along, didn't mean to but it just kind of happened." I said, brushing my hair out of my face. "What are you at?" 10k asked, shuffling closer to me.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now