Episode 1, Chapter 10

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Cassandra and I ran past the men and Z's and turned down an alley and continued running. Her grip on my wrist tightened as we heard the shouts continue. "Cassandra!" I panted, "What the hell is happening?" I saw her jaw tighten and a tear slip down her cheek, but she didn't speak, just continued running.

After a few more minutes of running we ended up finding Doc and 10k "Hey, is everything okay?" Doc asked while carrying a satellite dish. "Fine." Cassandra panted finally letting go of my wrist. I wrapped my arms around Doc and squeezed tightly. "I don't know what's going on!" I whimpered into his chest.

Doc wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my head. "It's gonna be fine kid." He said. "It's about time." Murphy called from his spot on the truck bed. I looked around the group noticing Addy was missing. "What's wrong? Where's Addy?" Doc said, voicing my thoughts. "Missing." Mack said, laying his hand on his gun.

 "Is she...?" Doc trailed off not finishing, but we all knew what he meant. "Oh God" I whimpered, clutching onto Doc tighter.

"No. Taken alive." Mack said looking heartbroken and angry, he was staring directly at Cassandra. "What?" I asked confused, pulling away from doc and walked off to stand next to Mack. "By humans." Mack said, stepping closer to Cassandra. "Who?" Doc asked quietly. "We thought you might know." Warren said, stepping up next to Cassandra, while Mack held a tablet in front of her face.

"Me? Why would I know?" Cassandra asked worriedly. "You recognize these guys?" Mack said calmly. I got a glance at the tablet and saw two of the guys who were chasing us."No. Why would I?" Cassandra said, glancing away from the screen. "Creep on the left was one of those two bikers back in Jersey." Warren said, getting up in Cassandra's face.

 "With your friend Travis." Warren finished. "I told you, I didn't know that guy. And I don't know them either."

"That's a bunch of shit and you know it!" I said cutting in and stepping closer to Cassandra. "Why did you run from them?" I glared at her, seething. "You saw those guys before I did and made me run with you." I took another step closer and poked her in the chest. "Why are you afraid of them?" I asked, completely pissed now. "You pulled me away from Doc and 10k, two people who were completely capable of protecting us. What are you so afraid of?" I stepped back as Mack laid his hand on my shoulder.

"You are gonna start telling me the truth right now or I am going to start blowing holes-" Mack said being interrupted by My dad. "Mack." Mack just ignored him. "in you until you do." Dad tried again "Mack" again he was ignored "Do you understand me?" Mack shouted. "Mack. Put the gun away. Put the gun away." Dad said gently pushing Mack away from Cassandra. "You're gonna tell us everything you know about these guys right now." Dad said calmly.

"Or I'll shoot you." Warren pointed her gun at Cassandra's head. "I can't go back!" Cassandra cried looking around like a wild animal. "Back where?Where? Where? Where is she?! Where is she?!" Mack screamed. Suddenly a zombie ran around a corner straight at us.

 10k mercied it and Cassandra took our distracted moment to book it. "Shit." Warren said while her, Mack, dad, and I took off after Cassandra. I dodged an oncoming Z and almost ran into my dad, he just grabbed my uninjured hand and continued pulling me along.

 We jumped over a fallen power line and saw Cassandra duck into a stairwell. Warren ran around to the other end of the stairwell and we all pinned her to the wall.

"Enough!" Warren yelled. "All right, Cassandra! No more bullshit." My dad yelled "Tell us what you know. Now!" He said done with it all. "All right. I know them." Cassandra said.

 "No shit Sherlock, we figured that part out!" I growled "They're part of a group of survivors. A family of sorts. But more like a cult actually. Led by a man named Tobias Campbell. I can't go back there. I won't go back." Cassandra cried, panicking.

 "You'll do whatever the hell we need you to do to get Addy back!" Mack yelled, getting in her face again. "You don't know these people. They're dangerous." Cassandra said. "So are we." I said casually wiping my knife on my red jeans.

"Not like they are." Cassandra cried  "Tobias and the others are worse than Zs. I thought I'd gotten away from them, but then Travis spotted me with you." she said voice wavering. "Why are you so afraid of them?" Mack asked standing behind dad.

 "You don't get it. You don't pick who you survive with. At first I thought I was lucky. They started out like everybody else. Tobias was smart.

 He was strong. He saved us. But then Black Summer came, and everything went to hell. Somewhere along the way he lost his mind, and... and we lost our souls. And I am not going back there!" Cassandra ranted.

"What the fuck are they gonna do to Addy?" I asked gripping tightly to Mack's hand. "Tobias has this weird control over people. He can make you do terrible things." Cassandra said panting almost hyperventilating. "What do you mean? Rape?" warren asked getting in Cassandra's face again. "No, he'll use her as bait." Cassandra said. "Bait? What, do they rob people?" Dad asked.

"Not just rob." Cassandra said looking at me. "Murder them?!" Warren yelled getting even closer to Cassandra. "No! Not rape. Not murder. They don't just kill their victims. It's worse." Cassandra wailed hitting her breaking point.

 She held her head in-between her hands and started sobbing. "Cassandra..." I whispered. She looked at me with her eyes. "Earlier I joked about eating people." I said with realization. " and you got really quiet...Are they going to eat Addison?" I squeezed Mack's hand tightly, this hurt me I could only imagine how he was feeling.

Cassandra started crying again and I ripped my hand away from Mack's "okay let's go then." I said angrily waving my arms around.

 "every minute we stay here is another minute to add to Addy's suffering." I started walking back up the stairs. when I didn't hear anyone behind me I whipped around and yelled "come on!" They all quickly started walking behind me and we headed back to the truck.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora