Episode 5, Chapter 16.

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Were were now in Illinois staying in a nice house with an electric fence surrounding it, Addy, Mack, and I were entertaining Ava by playing tag, Mack was now it and was chasing Addy. 10k was in the house, Cassie was napping with B/n, Doc and Murphy were playing cards, and Dad and Were doing something in the kitchen.

Mack grabbed Addy as me and Ava hid behind the side wall, we heard Addy shriek and laugh, then Mack ran back to us and grabbed my hand and pulled me and Ava away, where the red head could now see us.

"Run Ava run!" I laughed. She let go of my hand and ran past Addy ducking under her outstretched arms. Mack lifted me onto the roof and he followed shortly, we watched Addy chase Ava around until Ava had to stop and catch her breath. That's when Addy picked Ava up and spun her around making her giggle.

"Y/n, I'm tired can we go inside now!" Ava called up to me. "Yeah one sec!" I called back, Mack slid off the roof and I followed suit, Ava walked over to me and jumped on my back. "You're it!" She yelled. I was shocked did this child just trick me!

 Mack and Addy started laughing hysterically, "Dude not cool!" I groaned. Mack was standing right next to me so I quickly backhanded him in the stomach, which made him groan and grab his stomach. "I am actually tired though can we go in?" Ava said.

"Yes Ms. cheater we can go in and take a nap." I said walking towards the door. We walked into the house heading straight into the kitchen. Warren and Dad were drinking coffee with the radio playing. "You're up." Mack said leaning on one side of the door frame, while Addy leaned on the other side.

"All good?" dad asked. "Peaceful night." Addy responded. "Your stalker said there's a storm front coming in. How is it out there?" Warren asked. I pushed my way through the couple and walked into the dining room. "Cloudy with a chance of zombie." I said making my way to the living room.

10k was sitting on a recliner reading a magazine while Cassandra was sleeping on the couch B/n snuggled into her neck and clutching the blanket in his fists. There was another small recliner so I let Ava climb off my back and she quickly scurried into the chair, I grabbed a spare blanket off the table and draped it over her. 

"Sweet dreams Ava." I said pressing a kiss to her head. Ava gave a small smile and I walked away plopping myself on the floor by 10k's feet. I leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes, suddenly I felt a soft tap on my head.

I opened my eyes to see 10k retract the rolled up magazine, he looked down at me and patted his thigh. I smiled at the invitation and rose to my feet, taking my spot on his lap, I sat sideways so my head was resting on his shoulder and my feet were dangling over the arm.

I closed my eyes as 10k placed one hand on my waist and gently rocked the chair. Right before I fell asleep I heard Murphy say "You know if we breed those two, it'd be all over for the zombies."

~~~Time Skip~~~

It had probably been about half an hour when I was awoken by a bang and a shout of "incoming!" from my dad. I jolted awake almost falling off 10k's lap, he steadied me and I stood up quickly and ran over to Ava shaking her awake. "Ava wake up we gotta go!" I said urgently she stood up and I lifted her onto my back, I saw Cassandra scurrying about grabbing her things I started franticly looking for B/n just to find him atop 10k's shoulders.

Once we had grabbed all our things we ran out to the truck the wind whipping around making it hard to move. We jumped in the ruck and took off, after a while the lightning had gotten worse and a bolt came so close to the truck it made Ava start crying and jump into my arms screaming. 

The wind was pushing the truck around but thankfully Warren could hold her own, 10k handed me a blanket and threw it over me so Ava was completely under the blanket and couldn't see anything, B/n crawled under there as well so they were cuddled together on my lap.

After a while the truck stopped in a field and Doc and Dad were looking at a small car. Every time Ava heard the thunder she would tense and squeeze me tighter, I was rubbing her back and comforting her. 10k was on watch but kept sneaking glances at me, CZ was on the radio talking about tornado's. Not gonna lie he sounded drunk.

I'm assuming the car didn't work out to well because the guys got back into the truck and we were rolling.

Warren suddenly stopped and took a left as we passed the sign I saw we were going away from castle point which was her home town. The storm was worse this way so the truck came to a sudden stop jerking us around and Warren reversed the truck and we headed towards castle point.

We stopped at what looked like the fire station, where everybody but 10k the kids and I got out. "Thank you by the way." I said loudly. 10k looked at me and raised a brow, "For what?" he asked. "Letting me sleep on you, I really appreciate it." I said. "Your welcome." he nodded. Then everybody piled back into the truck.

We pulled up to Warrens house and I jumped out of the truck grabbing both the kids and ran to the front door right behind 10k. Mack kept trying to ram the door when Warren walked up and reached up into the rafter and grabbed a key. She grabbed Mack arms and showed him the key then he stopped attacking the door.

"If he's in there and he's..." Dad started. "I will not hesitate." Warren responded opening the door. Once we were inside I left the kids with dad and helped Mack and Addy search upstairs, as we were walking up the stairs I tried to lighten the mood. "What was your plan with the door Mack?" I said pulling out my pistol. "To get inside." Mack said shortly.

"Well yeah obviously, but like if you would have succeeded and broken the door, how would we have kept the zombies out?" I sassed. "You know what y/n-" he started but Addy cut him off. "She has a point." Mack didn't say anything just pointed us in different directions.

We split up and I took a guest bedroom and Warren's room. I had been here a few times before so I knew my way around. Warren's room was clear, so I checked the guest bedroom, I yanked open the closet, nothing then I looked at the bed to see a familiar camo hoodie.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. I must have left this here four years ago, there's no way it would fit me now. I grabbed it and headed back downstairs, "Hey guys look what I found-" I cut myself off when I saw a man and a woman standing behind Warren. The guy was super bloody, so I helped his wife get him onto the couch.

"You're going to be okay. He's a doctor." His wife cried. "Uh, well they sorta just call me Doc." Doc replied. "No." The man mumbled "No doctor. I just... need a nap." Doc and I both kind of freaked out on the lady. "No, no, no DO NOT NAP RIGHT NOW." I raised my voice. "Oh that, no that wouldn't be good, dude. Do not nap. Don't let him fall asleep." doc said. "He's got a bad concussion at least."

The woman proceeded to yell at us to help him. Then Mack and Addy came up from the basement. "Basement's clear." Mack said. Warren then started asking questions about her husband. Dad sent 10k and Cass out to find supplies I wanted to go but I needed to stay with the kids.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now