Episode 6/7 Chapter 20

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(Listen to the song :( I was literally crying)

I started feeling sick, and I looked down at my arm, which had turned a sickening shade of grey. Murphy scratch was now puffy, a Z walked out of the woods and looked at me, I wiped a tear away, and the Z mimicked me, confused I did it again, it repeated the action.

"Stop!" I yelled, and banged my hand on the truck. The truck screeched to a halt and I jumped out, grabbed 10k's chain, and rifle and ran off, quickly scaling the fence that separated the compound from the woods. I dropped to the other side and ran for a few minutes, finally making it make to where I just escaped from, I saw my dad, trying to eat a woman, and Jacob holding his wounded shoulder. His lackeys catching Zombies, I raised the scope up to my face and took out all the Z's except for my dad, then I took out the followers, only leaving my dad and Jacob. I slung the rifle back over my shoulder, and took out my knife.

I ran up to Jacob who tried to run away, but I was faster, filled with anger, and grief. I tackled him, and punched him in the face, again and again, until his face was covered in blood. My dad walked up to us, I quickly chained Jacob to the fence so there was no chance of escape.

"You took my dad from me, this is for him." I said, as I plunged the knife into his gut, blood spewing out. He screamed and writhed but I twisted the knife, my face cold, and emotions gone. "You took Major Joe Williams from the people that needed him most." Another stab. "You ripped families apart." again. "You took my Dad from Warren, this is for her." I stabbed him twice and pulled up. "Mercy!" Jacob pleaded. I smirked, and shook my head. "You don't deserve it."

Then I stood, and faced the shell of my father, who looked calm. I grabbed his face gently and pulled it to mine, so our foreheads touched. "I love you." I whispered sadly. A string of mumbles came from him, I think it was his response. I raised my pistol to his head and smiled sadly, tears running down my face. "Charles Andrew Garnett, I give you mercy." I whispered, squeezing the trigger, my father crumpled and his eyes closed, a sob escaped my throat, but I pushed on, I wasn't finished yet.

I turned back to the bleeding Jacob and squatted down in front of him. I raised my knife up to his temple and he breather a sigh of relief, I smirked, and trailed it down his face and to his neck, his eyes snapped open. "Have fun." I said, as I slashed open his throat, blood spraying everywhere, as he tried to free his hands. I stood up and walked away, my head held high, my heart shattered and mind eased slightly.

I made it back to the truck, where everybody watched me in shock, probably wondering why dad hadn't bit me. I hopped in next to B/n and Ava, sat down, passed 10k back his rifle and stared out into the trees, looking, but not seeing. 

No One's POV

Y/n faded in and out of reality, not seeing, not talking, not even moving. No one could blame the poor girl, she had just lost her father, one of the last family members she had. Y/n was sat in the truck bed, her back against the cab wall. B/n sat in her lap his arms around her shoulders and head on her chest, B/n was to young to understand that his father had just died, all he understood was that his dad was no longer around, and his big sister was extremely upset. So he did the only thing he knew how to do, he cuddled, when he was upset Y/n always cuddled him and it made him feel better, so he returned the favor.

Ava was sat besides Y/n, her head resting on Y/n's shoulder. She knew how Y/n was feeling as she had lost her dad too, that pain would never fully go away, but it would fade over time. The only thing Ava could do was be there, and provide comfort if needed, and when Y/n needed it, Ava would be available. Y/n had saved Ava, protected, sheltered, and fed her. Ava would be sure to comfort her adoptive mother.

10k sat across from Y/n, watching her every move, which wasn't many. An occasional twitch of her fingers here, or a blink there. 10k had felt this exact pain, unlike Ava, he had to mercy his Pa, and this pain was unlike anything else. This pain, it demanded to be felt. He was infatuated with this girl, they were similar in so many ways, they had similar skill sets, and now they had similar trauma. There were so many things that he loved about her. Her humor, her big heart, her badassery, how she would challenge him playfully, and the fact that she stood for what she believed in. He loved her, he just didn't realize it yet, he would do anything and everything for this girl, just to see her smile. Whatever it takes.

Addy watched her adoptive sister carefully, Addy had been with this group for years, Y/n had become a little sister, and Garnett a stand in father. His death hit the group hard, they would never be the same, but they still had small bits of him, he wasn't completely gone. He was there in Y/n's smile, or B/n's laugh, Y/n's authoritative nature, and B/n's gentleness. Garnett would never be forgotten, as he had made huge impact on everybody's life's.

Mack was driving, his eyes flicking up to the rearview mirror every so often watching both girls carefully. Like Addy, Y/n had become a little sister to him to, he loved her, Even when she tried to get them all killed with her reckless driving. Charlie had been there for him when nobody else was, he had saved Mack many times. Mack had never gotten a chance to repay him, but he would. He would protect Y/n and B/n with his last breath, to repay the man who had done so much for him.

Doc was still crying softly, Charlie was like a son to him, and his children Doc's grandchildren. Watching Charlie go down had wounded him deeply, especially with his knowledge of his child out there. He had failed both his children, abandoned one when he was young, and watched as his other was shot. Then he watched Y/n fall apart, break down, kill a man, stabbing him multiple times, then have to mercy her own father. He had no idea how that felt, nor did he want to. He was still trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Daughter or not Charlie should have tried to eat Y/n when she went to mercy him, but he didn't even move, he seemed...relaxed and content.

Cassandra was sat in the front seat, the heart broken Warren behind her. She hadn't known Y/n or Charlie for long, but she knew that Charlie was an important person to the group, he was strong, smart, and had a kind heart. Y/n was his daughter, and it showed, you could see Charlie in her mannerisms, and looks. Y/n was strong, and protective, not one to mess with. Cassandra had learned that the moment Addy had been captured back in Philly. They had progressed to the sibling bond yet, but they were on the right track. She felt for the girl, who had protected her from quite literally the moment they met. She would be there, whenever she was needed.

Murphy didn't know how to feel. Charlie had become a sort of friend, not quite an acquaintance, but not quite a friend either. However when Charlie took that bullet for him, guilt crept up his throat. Charlie died for him, he left his children for him, because Charlie Believed in him, he sacrificed himself for the dream of immunity, he died so that his kids could achieve happiness, even if it meant he wasn't around to see it. Murphy had also scratched Y/n, he didn't mean to but she was struggling so much it just happened. Now he feared for her, he didn't know if he had just doomed her to a life of needles and odd stares. But he had to protect her, for Charlie.

Warren missed Charlie, her heart had shattered. She knew she had to stay strong though, for his children, who had just lost their father. Charlie may have been her lover and bestfriend, but Father, and dad overpower both those titles. They had lost their whole worlds, Warren would not wallow in grief and self pity, and force Y/n to live in sorrow. No, she couldn't erase the pain Charlie left, but she could lessen it. And she would, for Charlie.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now