Episode 1

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"Gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God", the women sang standing in the living room. "To Nana Griswold" a man said. "A true survivor" a woman said. "Not many grandmothers left these days" the man said. "Especially as old as Nana was" the woman replied.

 "How old was she anyway?" The man asked. "Sixty-three" the woman stated. "Wow. That's old" the man joked. "Sixty-four, and I'm not dead yet" an old woman, nana I presume spoke. she coughs and follows up with "But I think it's time."

"Do you have her special?" someone asks warren. "I'll take it from here" warren responds. "Ready, Nana?" warren asks politely. "Hell yes I'm ready, I've had enough of this stinkin' world." she replies trying to laugh but ending up coughing once more. 

Sofia Christina Griswold. With this eight sacrament I commit your soul to eternal peace. I give you... mercy warren says pulling the trigger.

warren walks out of the small cottage going to stand next to a young girl about the age of twenty-three holding on to a five year old little boy. "hey y/n" she says softly "you doing alright" the girl, y/n nods with a tight lipped smile and a forced "yep!" warren smiles back at the girl when a static voice is heard.

 "This is Garnett to Warren" the voice says. The girl seems to relax as she hears her fathers voice, now knowing that he is okay. "Garnett to Warren, over, Go for Warren. What's up Charlie?" warren says. "I'm at the water's edge, could use a little backup." the man named charlie responds.

"Two minutes." warren replies. "What is it?" "warren" y/n says. "yes?" "I'm coming with you." y/n states. The older lady knew not to argue with the younger girl when she had her mind set on something. So she just nodded quickly as the girl passed the boy to a older man.

 "What is it?" y/n asked as soon as she saw her father. "I guess a distress signal?" he replied not seeming phased by her presence. "How do you want to handle it?" warren asked. "Been watching them for a while" his eyes darting out into the river to see the two men in a boat once more. "As far as I can tell it's just two males." he replied.

 "Let's see what they want" y/n said. "Can always turn them back around." warren said calmly. "How did Nana's Eighth go?" Garnett asked warren. "Very good. Good people." she replied. "Thanks for doing it. I just... can't anymore. Too many..." Garnett spoke. "It's okay. She was ready to go." warren said quietly.

 "Hmmm. Aren't we all" he retorted. "Here they come." warren said excitedly. "All right. I'll handle the meet and greet" garnett responded. "You cover me from here." he instructed the two women. "Any problems-" y/n interrupted him, "you hit the ground." she finished. Her father gave her a proud smile. 

"I'll take care of the rest." Garnett said shooing the women into the bushes "That's far enough, gentlemen." garnett instructed. "Identify yourselves and state your business a Team of snipers has you covered so no sudden moves."

 "Lieutenant Mark Hammond. Delta Force. Or least I was when there was still a Delta Force. I'm on a mission from what's left of the government, and I need your help." The man, mark said. "What mission? For what government?" garnett asked confused.

 "Look, to be honest I don't know if anybody that gave me the order is still alive. I do know it's imperative that I get this person to a medical lab in California. Alive." the lieutenant says. "Well I guess I won't shoot him...Yet." 

Warren says stepping out of the bushes with y/n both women's weapons trained on the men. "Who is he?" y/n asks "Some kind of doctor?" "Not exactly. His name is Murphy. And he may just be the last best chance to save humanity" the lieutenant says.

"All we need are some basic supplies and transportation south as far as the Tappan Zee bridge. We're meeting a new team there, and they can take us the rest of the way to California." the lieutenant says. "California sure is a hell of a long way." y/n says swinging her arm that the young boy was attached to.

 "The Tappan Zee bridge is a long way." the lieutenant replied"I wouldn't ask, but it's imperative and I am out of options." he continues. "How'd you find out about this place?" y/n asks. "An ex-cop and some others taking shelter in a prison twenty clicks up the road said there was some National Guard that set up a camp, might be able to help us out." the lieutenant said.

"Ex" Y/N Paused then continued when she got a weird look. "Ex National Guard." y/n said. "Yeah, I was with Georgia National Guard. Warren here was activated out of Missouri." he said gesturing toward Roberta. "But as far as I know, we're the only ones left of our unit." garnett continued.

 "Look. I know there's no more chain of command, no more Guard, no more government. Just a few of us out there following orders cuz that's what we do. I lost eight of the best men I ever served with getting this far. My orders are to take this man to a lab in California, and that what I intend to do. Now... are you people going to help me or not?" the lieutenant argues.

 "Why is he so goddamn important?" warren snaps. "He has information vital to the development of a vaccine for the zombie virus. And that's all I can tell you. How much more do you need to know?"

A lot.  y/n thinks to herself. "Warren and I can take the pickup truck, bring you to the Tappan Zee. But you'd be on your own after that." Garnett says thoughtfully. "That's all I'm asking" the lieutenant says." "I'm not sure we risk the truck. Or you two" a man says.

 Maybe I haven't been clear. This is more important than your trucks. Or anyone's life. Including my own. I don't want to have to insist. I was supposed to meet my rendezvous two days ago. This needs to happen. Now. the lieutenant growls.

 y/n slowly stands from her spot grabbing her rifle and knifes and placing them in there rightful places "well lets go she says gruffly" picking up the young boy who had wondered over to sit on her lap.

 "Listen. If they're trying to steal the truck, do what you got to do." The leader said to warren. "Always." warren responded. "Stay in radio contact. We don't hear from you by tomorrow morning, we'll come lookin". said the leader Garnett glanced at warren, nodded and said "got it".

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now