Episode 1, Chapter 9

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10k? He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck. I squeezed him quickly with my arm, then let go "Yeah! I'd pay money to see that again." Doc shouted to Warren while picking up my wrist and examining it. "Yeah that's sprained." he said "hey kid can you get my bag out of the car?" He asked 10k. 10k nodded and jumped into the bed behind me to retrieve the bag. He handed it to my dad who was walking up to me.

He wrapped me in a hug and started to apologize "I'm sorry, I never should've let you stand on the flat bed!" I rolled my eyes "even if you would have told me no I wouldn't have listened" I told him. "Valid" Warren said walking up to me and hugging me "you good kid?" I hugged her back "been better but I'll be fine." I said holding my wrist out to Doc, He pulled my arm out and pushed on the bone. I whined and grabbed onto 10k's thigh, he moved my hand and laced his fingers with my own. Doc wrapped my wrist and set it on my lap. "No knife kid...stick to guns." He said I growled and slammed my head down on 10k's shoulder.

"The axle broke." Warren said out of the blue, dad sighed "All right, everybody get into that truck." he said annoyed. Warren started walking back to this truck and pulled Murphy along with her. "Let's go, Murphy. Come on."

~~~time skip~~~~

"Enjoy. That's the last of the food." Warren said handing us all a twinkie, "God, I'm so hungry my big guts are eating my little guts." Murphy complained he reached out for 10k's twinkie "You gonna eat all of that?" he asked, 10k shoved the entire twinkie in his mouth "Selfish little bastard." Murphy groaned, he then proceeded to reach for mine but I crawled behind 10k and ate the rest of it with 10k's body protecting mine. Suddenly B/n bounded around the truck and jumped into my arms. Out of habit I reached out to catch him and the impact of his weight colliding with my wrist sent jolts of electricity through my arm.

I groaned in pain and b/n started to cry "I'm sorry sissy I didn't mean too!" I placed my uninjured hand on his face and wiped away his tears "It's ok I know you didn't mean to." I said. 10k turned around and carefully grabbed my injured hand to look it over. Once he finished his examination he nodded and let my hand lay across my lap once more. "We need to split up andlook for food and water." dad said, walking around to the end of the truck.

"Oh, if we can find a two way radio or even a satellite dish, I can try to contact that Citizen Z guy" Addy said from next to me. "That's good. Okay, you and Mack do that. And the rest of us will look for food." Dad said looking at the rest of us "Doc, you take Y/N, Cassandra, and 10K. Warren and I will take Murphy. Stay close. Meet back here in an hour. Dad said, looking around. "All right, let's go. He finished. I carefully slid off the end of the truck and 10k handed me my rifle and handgun. "Thanks" I said expecting a head nod back. "You're welcome." he said walking away, I was stunned he hardly ever talks to me, and he hugged me earlier! Am I dying?

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

"Hey, kid. Give me a hand with this, will ya?" Doc said motioning for 10k to get on the dumpster with him. I stood next to Cassandra with my good hand on my knife and my bad one cradled to my chest. 10k jumped up onto the dumpster and started helping Doc wiggle the satellite around. "I don't know why we stopped here in Philly." Cassandra said looking around like she was looking for something. "We should've kept going." I grabbed her hand with my good one and sent her a smile. "Well we had to stop and get food, Cass." I said "if we hadn't we probably would have started eating eachother!" Doc and I laughed while Cassandra just looked mortified.

"Where would we go?" Doc asked, still fiddling with the satellite while 10k just yanked on it."We need to find a way to communicate with that Citizen dude. And I think Addy can dosomething with this dish." He grunted and let out a curse. He turned to us and grinned happily "Who knows, Maybe we'll get lucky and pick up porn!" He went back to prying the satellite off the wall. "Never seen porn." 10k said he was focusing so hard he was sticking his tongue out. "You never seen porn?" Doc asked, shocked. "Really? Never?" he said, turning to 10k. "Before my time." 10k said bluntly. "What about you Y/N?"

I glanced up at Doc pretending not to hear him "what about me?" I asked innocently. "Have you ever seen porn?" I bit my lip and mulled over my thoughts for a minute. "I will neither confirm nor deny that question." I totally have, I got in big fucking trouble too. "Is it good?" 10k asked. "Yeah!" Doc said at the same time Cassandra said "Meh." I saw a look of panic cross Cassandra's face and then suddenly we were running, she had grabbed me by the wrist and was tugging me down the street. "What's happening!" I yelled at her almost face planting into a steel beam. "Why are we running!" I shouted again, extremely confused.

"Just trust me!" Cassandra yelled, turning a corner. I heard heavy boots thudding behind me and I tilted my head to see four men chasing us down an alley. We suddenly turned a corner into a dead end just to see five Z's eating a guy. We came to an immediate stop, and the Z's looked up at us. "Sunshine!" One of the guys yelled cornering us between them and the Z's"Who the Fuck is sunshine?" I said under my breath.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now