Episode 1, Chapter 8

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Warren hit a bump in the road and my head smacked into the window. "Oww!" I whined rubbing my head. "I feel like she did that on purpose!" I finished standing up and next to 10k. He glanced at me and back to the road stretched out before us.I heard his stomach growl and I huffed putting my hand on his arm and looking at him. "10k go eat something." I said, knocking my shoulder into his. 10k shook his head and shifted his rifle around. "10k eaat" I groaned, reaching out and grabbing his gun from him and looking through the scope.

I sighted a zombie, squeezed the trigger, and the z dropped. "See, I can watch. Eat." I said pulling away from the gun, he huffed and shuffled to the end of the truck going through the food. I looked back through the scope and took out a few more Z's. "Y/N you're so bossy!" Addy laughed crawling over to me and slapping me ass.

"Yeah, you love me though!" I laughed killing another zombie, B/n pressed his face against the inside of the glass looking at me and making funny faces. I squatted down and me and Addy made faces back at him. Making him and ourselves laugh, I stood back up and positioned 10k's rifle so I could look into the trees.

I didn't see anything so I slid back down, holding 10k's Rifle to my chest. I look to my left to see 10k sitting next to Doc scarfing down a can of beans. I chuckled to myself, he was just going to let himself starve. Addy laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "Macaroni, I'm confiscating your girlfriend!" I laughed. "Quit calling me macaroni." Mac said, rolling his eyes. "I really want macaroni right now!" Mack whined. "I have claimed Y/N's shoulder for the rest of this trip." Addy mumbled sleepily.

Mack got up and sat on the side of the truck holding his stomach. I got into my bag and handed him a can of chicken broth. "Thanks" he said, prying the can open with his knife. I grunted and laid my head on Addy's to take a short nap.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

I woke to the truck slowing, Murphy had rolled down the window, and was now leaning out of it. "Philadelphia." he said "ah the city of brotherly love" he finished sarcastically. We drove past two zombies eating a woman. I gave 10k his gun back and grabbed his slingshot from his pocket. He looked at me confused, so I just winked at him and aimed at the z's then let the rock fly. With the way I had aimed, it took out the two z's on top, I released one more to give the poor woman mercy.

We had passed the poor mercy'd souls and suddenly Warren slammed on the brakes I fell on my ass in 10k's lap. His arms flung out to wrap around my waist and he pulled me into his chest. Once the car came to a complete stop, 10k unwrapped his arms and helped me stand up. "Thanks 10." I said, grabbing my bow from next to him and slinging it over my shoulder. I jumped out of the truck and surveyed my surroundings. Oh my god! I thought "It's the goddamn liberty bell!" I said jumping on my dads back. He laughed and spun me around, I laughed as well and kissed the side of his head before unwrapping my legs. He sat me down and stared in awe.

"Is that really the liberty bell?" Mack asked in disbelief, my dad walked towards the bell "proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof" he said walking forward still. "Yeah that's it." He stopped walking. "Three years of the zombie apocalypse you think you've seen everything." Doc said, walking up to the bell.

"Well when everything went bad they probably tried to save a little history." Warren said. "Yeah well they should have known that the only thing you can save in the zombie apocalypse is yourself." Murphy spoke up from his spot in the truck. "I mean he is right though!" I said pointing to murphy. The man in question grinned widely. "If you're a very selfish human being who cares about nobody but himself." I finished wiping the grin right off his face. "Let's go!" Murphy groaned.

"Hang on!" Warren said funneling gas into a tube to see if there was gas. "If this thing still has fuel, and it does." she said, glancing up at my dad who was hovering over her shoulder. "If we can get this thing started they won't have to ride out in the open like that." she finished rolling up her tube. "Well I'm all for that." Doc said, placing both his hands on the flat bed.

Mack, who was behind me, turned around to go back to the truck "I'll get the jumper cables." I was pulling a spray can out of my bag so I could draw a smiley face on the bell when doc started talking. "God bless the human race, 99% of 'em dead but there's still one jackass alive with a spray can" I froze and looked up slowly, no one was looking at me so I slowly put the spray can back in my bag.

Warren walked over to the door and opened it in turn releasing a giant ass zombie, before it could do anything 10k hit it with his slingshot, "1,075" he said putting his slingshot down. "Thanks 10k" I said smiling at him. Like always he nodded, and said nothing. Warren saluted him before dragging the zombie out. Mack jumped the car while I jumped onto the flat bed and took my place between the liberty bell and the window.

"Alright Murphy you get in with warren and me the rest of you stay in the truck." Dad said looking pointedly at b/n. Doc picked him up and strapped him in beside addy, who had recently awoken from her nap.


I held on to the handles on the side of the truck walls for dear life. While Warren was hitting every Z possible I just stood there in case I was needed. I saw the rest of the group behind me with 10k mimicking me, I saw Doc wave at me and I nodded in greeting, afraid to let go. All of a sudden I felt the entire truck swerve and tilt while another car with a z on top drove blindly past us. I held on even tighter, the truck kept tilting and I slipped off the truck hitting the road and rolling. I heard my left wrist crack and white hot fire erupted through my hand. Not even a second after I had come to a stop I heard the truck screech to a halt and the bell dinging down the road.

I groaned and grabbed my wrist tightly. I heard something running towards me and I reached for my knife with my good hand, I grasped it and held it to my chest ready to take out an Z that came close enough. My vision was slightly blurry but soon enough Mack came into my line of sight.

We came to my side and crouched down, "Oh God y/n how badly are you hurt?" I rolled my head so I could see him better, "wrist definitely broken!" I grunted. "Shit, okay hold on." He said, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and legs. He lifted me up with no effort and carried me to the truck. He pulled the bed of the truck down and sat me on it, everyone quickly came rushing around to me and the first person to hug me was...


can you believe this is only 6 minutes into the episode?

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now