Episode 4, chapter 15

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We had been driving for a while, we had learned that Ava was ten and her brother was actually her twin. We played a couple round of eye spy, and Alphabet hide and seek. Since there were no other people or cars we were strictly looking for the letter on signs.

She had quickly taken a liking to Addy, who let Ava play with her hair. I ended up taking a nap on 10k and when I woke up everyone in the bed was smiling at me knowingly. Had I grown a crush on the raven haired boy, a slight one. I mean I'm seventeen years old and haven't seen a boy my age in two years. Then here comes a boy my age who's also attractive, I mean can you blame me? Hormones right?

We pulled into a deserted building parking lot, noticing mercyed Z's everywhere, some staked to the ground, others hanging out of vehicles or just laying in the fields. The truck had finally come to a stop, and everybody hopped out, Ava was holding my hand while B/n was on my hip.

Dad stepped away from the truck closing the door, "Not exactly what I was hoping for." He said. "One of these days you're gonna learn to quit hoping for things." Murphy retorted. "You better hope not cuz that's when we leave your ass at the side of the road." Warren Snapped bringing her pistol out.

I looked around and the stairs were covered in barbed wire, there were three Zombies hanging out of an ambulance, and blood smeared across the pavement. Suddenly a voice rang out "Halt! Who goes there!" We all looked to the offending noise, seeing a man with brown hair aiming his weapon at us.

He looked sketchy not gonna lie, "What does he think he is, a knight?" I scoffed softly making Ava giggle.

"Sergeant Charles Garnett, National Guard. This is Lieutenant Roberta Warren,-" Dad started gesturing towards Warren. "State your business." The man interrupted. "also National Guard." Dad finished.

"We're on a high priority mission to get this man to a CDC lab in California." Dad said gesturing towards Murphy, who grimaced and gave a half hearted wave.

"We were sent here by an Intel Officer from the NSA to see General McCandles. We need his help finding transpo. We were told he has a helicopter." Dad finished.

"Yeah, he's got a chopper. But General McCandles is a very busy man. He's got the entire east coast under his command. He can't worry about some raggedy ass group of civilians on a suicide mission. I suggest you move on before the infected find you."

I took offence to this, what does this man think, that the apocalypse is offering five star hotels with running water and plenty of soap? I scoffed and Warren stepped forward.

"Nothing raggedy ass about this group of civilians, sir. And this man has important information about a vaccine for the zombie virus." Warren sassed putting emphasis on the sir.

The man looked skeptical but kept his weaponing trained on us, walking down the steps towards the group. He walked closer to Murphy, who I just so happened to be standing next to.

"He smells like a damn Z." He said face set. "You don't smell so good yourself, dumpster face." I said, rolling my eyes. "Shut it slut." He hissed his façade breaking. I smiled as he glared at me, "Oh I'm sorry was I supposed to take offence to that." I smirked. "Oh honey, Mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either." I retorted.

The man was about to respond but my dad cut in "You gonna help us or not?" The man looked around at us, "You want to see the General? You're going to have to pay a tribute. Gesture of goodwill to show him you're serious." He said never lowering his gun.

"What kind of tribute you have in mind?" Dad asked. "Our medic has been MIA over a year. We need painkillers. Antibiotics. Anything you got." He said. I took another look at him and got a feeling that he didn't actually need the medication.

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now