I can't be dreaming - Taylor/Ben

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Requested by—melsbakeryy

When your previous relationship wasn't very...enjoyable..

And your trust in people had taken a slightly larger impact than before,

It's nice to feel supported,

It's nice to know somebody trusts you as much as you trust them.

Taylor's P.O.V

I don't want to say it, in fact I've never really wanted to acknowledge it. But my last relationship was a total shit show.

It went on for more than it should, a cycle of toxicity.

So to say it did damage is an understatement. I've always been good with cheering up others around me, being sweet and bubbly is always better than sad and depressed. it's not like I'm forcing it either, but just because of a stupid boy, my brain had been altered. I've never felt so low before.

I'm glad that I've always had Tyler with me though.

He's always been the person to give me the brutal reality check i have always needed, and I'm beyond thankful for that.

But it's hard to give somebody your respect, it's difficult to re-program yourself after such a brutal time in your life.

However..Being chased by monsters every night is way more horrible than my past with a random kid—another face in the crowd.

But what I feel right now, what I feel with this kid who suddenly appeared in my life.

I've never felt so...fuzzy? With somebody before.


I willingly came over to Ben's house to help babysit his sister, like I've done so many times before. It's frustrating though, I can't stop myself from staring. Because how is somebody just so caring? How is he physically able to give his every-bit of attention to somebody who doesn't even notice?

He was drawing with lilly, smiling along to a silly story she was rambling about. I let out a small huff of relief. I realized I'd much rather be here, with the boy who has a charm I can't explain, and his sweet little sister. Than a guy who had never even let me meet his friends.

And I'm extremely grateful knowing that the same boy who had shown me the love, and affection that I haven't seen in a while, was grateful for me to.

I carefully lean my body against his, melting to his side.

Being around him gives me a sense of hope. Something that tells me that maybe if I try hard enough every problem in my life could work out.

Because I worked hard for him,

And it was one of the best choices I think I'll ever make.




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