A helping hand-Taylor/Ben

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Ben was bored.

He had agreed to help babysit his little sister, obviously, he loved her so much.

However, the second she had been dropped off to his aunt and uncle's house, she fell asleep.

So to be fair, maybe it was alright to be bored waiting for your toddler sister to wake up.

Ben's P.O.V

I glance down towards Lilly, I feel a smile pull across my face, taking notice of what Aiden called ' a pillow fort '. In reality it was a bunch of pillows thrown around Lilly, with a blanket hanging loosely off the couch.'I wish Aiden was still here, maybe than I'd have someone to keep me company.'

Just suddenly, I realized that I could probably invite the group over, although my options were limited.

I knew that Aiden and Ashlyn were busy, Ashlyn had invited him to help her, and her parents move some boxes into a storage compartment.

Tyler had his baseball practice

Logan was sick.

That left only one person left, one person who could possibly cure this boredom.


I felt a little nervous, would this be considered hanging out? What if she thought I was using her to watch Lilly while I go slack off? 'No, she wouldn't think that.. right?'

I push my thoughts out of my head, opened my phone, then went to my messages. Immediately pressing on the brunettes profile picture. I let my thumbs hover over the keys thinking out how I should ask this.


Ben: Taylor

Tay: hey Ben! What's up

Ben: I was wondering if you had anything to do today

Tay: nope

Tay: why 🤔

Ben: because Aiden left me alone, and I am babysitting. But Lilly fell asleep. I'm so bored.

Tay: omg are you asking me if I want to help you babysit

Ben: no

Ben: just more like be there for moral support

Tay: kk! ( I'm fine with ether if those things I love Lilly sm)

I re-read are chats over and over, that conversation ended quicker that I thought.This means Taylor is coming over now right? Should I get something for her to eat? Or how about drink??

It's fine, we will get everything ready when she gets here. I don't even know if she is allergic to anything!

Taylor's P.O.V

I was out the door. Probably in record time.

I grabbed my bicycle from a bike rack Tyler had installed in are garage.

Making my way out of the house and on to the road. Aiden's house was pretty far from mine, basically across town. But a little work out never hurt anybody, right?

As I'm peddling, I let my mind wander. This is so exciting! I get to see Lilly again!! I feel my smile widen a bit. Bens going to be there to,but he said Lilly was asleep.. so is it just me and him? Did he invite the others?? I'd have to ask.

Although.. the thought of it just being me and Ben makes me feel a little giddy. I've had a crush on him, I think ever since the arcade?? Where we listened to his music together.I never noticed how peaceful he looked until than.

I hold myself high on my bike as I arrive at the Clark's house.

As I knock on the door I see that sweet familiar face greets me, he brings his pointer finger to his lips as if to tell me to be quiet. I nod along as he opens the door for me.

"Thank you" I whisper giving him a big smile.he smiles back and than guides me to there kitchen. Taking out his phone he writes something

'You can speak normally in here but not to loud' "oh.. alright!" I let my eyes wander around the kitchen the Clark's had a large window view above the sink, letting light spill in, and the dining room connected to it.

"This is a very fancy kitchen" I point out, he smirks and opens the fridge grabbing a bottle of water, he handed it to me. "Awe- thanks Ben". I am so very grateful for this gesture, because I thought it'd be a good idea to bike ACROSS town without a water bottle.. who does that??

Ben's P.O.V

It had been an hour straight of me and Taylor watching a random movie in the living room sat next to Lilly.

'This is nice.' It felt peaceful, it felt calm, it felt as if the world was still and you could take a moment to just breathe.

I turn my head towards Taylor, who had stopped chatting about random school drama a little while ago. I guess she had fallen asleep.

She looked so serene.

I know about my feelings for her. But I don't think it's an appropriate time to feel any type of way other than platonic. If I get to attached and something bad happens what would happen to me? The phantom dimension is way t—

I stopped my thought immediately after a weight made itself obvious on my shoulder.

I cautiously turn my head, go see the one and only, Taylor Hernandez. Lying, asleep. On MY shoulder.

The rush of heat I felt going straight to my face was not bearable. What if someone came home and walked in? What if she woke up and was uncomfortable! I can't wake her up??

My face had to be red, because it was starting to hurt. I decided the best option was just to relax and calm down. To continue what I felt at that moment of peace.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I guess it worked. So instead of freaking out, maybe I should just enjoy this small moment.

I lay my head back on a couch cushion and let my eyes fall shut.

Taylor's P.O.V

Why do I feel so cozy?

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