Chapstick - Aiden/Ashlyn

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Ashlyn was annoyed.

Not her normal, slightly overstimulated annoyed where everything and everybody were to loud, but an uncomfortable feeling of soreness that she doubt would go away quickly. Due to the winter season beginning, it was always an annual occurrence where her lips became very chapped.

No matter what she put onto her lips, let that be chapstick, lip masks, different types of paste that you could smear on. Nothing worked. I think that's what annoyed her the most.

It wasn't like her lips were never chapped. In fact they were almost all the time, but it wasn't very noticeable to her, she'd just slap on some chapstick and the problem would figure itself out.

But not in the winter. Never in the damn winter.

She groaned,peeling her eyes away from the small mirror in the corner of her desk and giving more attention to her leather boots, tying them swiftly than slipping on a dark blue puffy coat. "ASHLYN! You gotta go! The bus is about to be at your stop!" A voiced that she could only recognize as her father's boomed from rooms away.The girl gave a slight pause into her actions letting the words process through her head. Crap, I totally forgot to do my english homework last night.

Although maybe that wasn't the most important thought ashlyn could be focused on, that was the only thing that was in her mind as she exited her room, down the steps. And in a matter of seconds she was out the door rushing to the bus stop. The ginger noticed she had gotten faster, perhaps with being forced to almost always be running in order to survive in the phantom dimension was inflicting on this to? Whatever right now was not the time to think about it.

The day had been going by rather quickly, Ashlyn did in fact get her homework done on the bus, ignoring the blonde boy who would jabber nonstop into her ear with useless nonsense. Although one thing was irritating her throughout her day,it felt as if her lips were on fire. It didn't help that she kept licking them and rubbing her top and bottom lip together.

I guess the others picked up on her discomfort and lunch.

" why do you keep doing that?" Taylor slightly tilted her head as if to get a better look at Ashlyn, the ginger was in the middle of rubbing her lips together.Tyler glanced at her but didn't really pay attention to the matter, "Doing what?" Aiden piped up snapping his head to look at Ashlyn.

" the thing with your lips, why do you keep doing that? Are they bothering you?"The brunette continued keeping leaning into the creaky lunch table. " I'm fine. My lips are just chapped." Ashlyn stated bluntly lowering her head to look at her food. " oh.. alright!" Taylor dropped the conversation almost immediately turning her full attention to Logan, who was talking about something involving a lot of birds?

Ashlyn was ultimately confused by him.She wasn't the biggest fan of birds they were way to lou-

Aiden interrupted her thought. " wanna use some of my chapstick?" He said, chapstick in hand as if he was giving it to her.

She took a second to process, and brought her eyes to meet his. Aiden. He was somebody who Ashlyn could never figure out. The way he bleached his hair and wore dark red contacts was something she would never understand, she can't deny he looked good. But he was just so confusing I mean his personality was absolutely insane. He was all over the place! And why did she get butterflies whenever talking to—

" ash..? Do I have something on my face??" Aiden asked wiping his mouth with his sleeve. " no." "Your looking at me like I'm your next meal- are you alright?" " yeah." She just kinda looked at him, "Soo.. you want the chapstick orrrrr.." he asked waving the stick in her direction.

"No. That would be equivalent to like— kissing you. No thanks " replied Ashlyn with a scoff giving the bleached blonde a side eye. A light laugh escaped Aidens lips,

" maybe that wouldn't be so bad."

He whispered. Just below a whisper could you even call it that? It would be impossible to hear if you weren't right next to him and have hearing like Ashlyn. Her body tensed, did he know she heard him? Did he want her to know? Glancing at him one more time, it was obvious he didn't mean to say that out loud.

The look on his face was a mixture of surprise and embarrassment, a light red spread across his face. You didn't normally get those things from Aiden.

A small smile cracked it's way to Ashlyn's face, but she decided to act as if she didn't hear a thing. Feeling a familiar heat grow onto her face.

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