The smallest things remind me of you - Ben/Taylor

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Ben tried to get his mind of her,

He sent himself to go get some groceries for Aiden and him.

I think ben was extra embarrassed that he had to even force himself to get up and moving because he couldn't take just sitting and letting his mind wander, to let his mind think of how pretty she looks when she is happy.

But how can you stop thinking about her when she's the most positive girl ever? How can you not pay attention to the little things she likes?

Ben's P.O.V

Just grab the fruit and go.

This is beyond embarrassing, this little crush needs to go.

I feel my face heat up,

Deep breaths, in out, in out. I clench my jaw and continue to drag my cart around the small market.

Once I finally get all of my necessary's, I pass lots of little stands advertising all sorts of products, but my feet stop at a specific cart, one with bunches of stuffed animals.

A specific plushie caught my eye. it was a bunny with hazel like brown fur, and it had a pearl bracelet attached to its wrist. It was cute, until I realized who it reminded me of,

I continued walking away with a familiar heat spreading across my face.

When I was on my way home, I notice a lot of the greenery I passed was in bloom, that made me feel a little happy.

I always liked when everything bounced back to life after winter.

I look down at the small patch of flowers on the ground, I think they were daisies, innocent, and pure. Harmless, but perfect, and serene.

Taking the small flower between my fingers, my mouth twitches into a small smile.

'How can she relate to everything beautiful.'

Sighing slightly, I place the delicate flower back into the grass, and continue my walk home.

Feeling much, much, better. 


I know this one is a little short, but I gotta feed the benlor fans 🫡 

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