Take me back to the night we met-Ashlyn

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+Angst/no comfort

Inspired by- muiixoq's tik tok video

Ever since the group was kidnapped, and separated Ashlyn felt herself become more restless.

She keeps thinking, maybe this is all a dream. A sick. Twisted. Dream.

But like every night,when she woke up in the to bright room with nobody's comfort but her own. She felt herself start to become more agitated.

Ashlyn's P.O.V

I think all my senses have been heightened.

My eyesight is probably permanently damaged due to the lights, I feel like I can hear everything but nothing all at the same time.

Maybe that's just me searching for stimulation in this horrible prison cell. Or maybe it's because of the injections they keep giving me.

I'm constantly worried, I've been pulling at chunks of my hair, my nails are bleeding because I've started biting them.

I'm a mess. I'm a freak. I'm a teenage girl who has been damaged beyond control, would I even be classified as a human anymore? We all started acting like the phantoms.

Ever since I was explained what those 'spores' did to us, I've felt rather odd.

I feel like I'm going insane. I don't know what's real or not.

I miss my friends.

I want my friends.


NOBODY. In this godforsaken place! Has bothered to tell me anything. I'm frustrated, I'm so, very frustrated.

I feel hot tears spike the corners of my eyes, but I don't bother anymore.

It's not like the 'scientists' haven't seen me vulnerable before.

I just wanna be with the people who I care about. I don't even want to think about the times I neglected them. I just wanna see all there stupid faces at the same time.

I miss my parents as well. Thinking about them just hurts. So I try not to. But I know their dedication when they want something— so maybe that will apply to finding their daughter. I'm wishing they weren't harmed. I really hope not.

I think hope is the only thing I can do right in this place.

I try to focus on the good memories, like when we all went to the arcade—although that was ruined by our outbursts on barron's group.

Maybe the time we got the jeep? No. I almost died.



Aiden and Tyler are dead.

I bury my head in my knees, I don't care that I'm sobbing. I don't care people are watching me. I don't want to be here. I don't know why I'm even here. I just wanna go home. I want everything to stop. I don't want the memories of my friends, or my parents, or anything that caused me joy.

I just want it to be me. Me only. Me, in a safe place, where everything is quiet, where there isn't the buzzing of fluorescent light. Where I don't have the painful memories of loss , or regret, where I can start my life over and just be nothing. Simply existing without bother would do.

I only got one of those things.


Only me.

Just me, by myself.

All alone. Nobody to love.

But Me.


Red. Give my girl a BREAK 


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