Stupid feelings - Ben/Taylor

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Requested by- _Benl0r_

Sometimes, when you have intense feelings for somebody,

It could irritate you to see someone try and flirt with them.

Taylor's P.O.V

I'm not jealous, that's not who I am.

But it's not like I've never experienced jealousy, I mean it's a human emotion.

Given the situation, I'm a little annoyed,

One of the girls in me and Ben's math class, went up to him for 'help'.


I can tell that im staring, in fact, I'm probably giving her one of the nastiest looks I think I can muster.

She's not even watching what he is doing, it's obvious Ben's oblivious to her flirting with him,

I don't think shes getting the hint.

The second Ben handed the paper over to her, she put it away, dropping it behind her back onto a nearby desk. The student who's desk was violated by this creature of a girl, audibly cursed at the sudden addition of paper smeared across their desk.

I can't hear what's going on, but I can tell by Ben's facial expression he is beyond clueless.

Oh my god! What is it gonna take for this girl to give up?

I think he finally realized what was going on, because he Immediately turned to look at me with questioning eyes, as if asking me 'what do I do?'.

I smile a little, pointing back to her. Even though I know how'd I like to handle this, I'm curious to see how he's gonna take this situation.

The girl was cut off by Ben's sudden hand, he put it up quickly, as if giving a sign for her to stop talking, and I laugh a little when she actually does! Slowly, like painfully slowly, he takes out his drawing pad.

He writes for a second, than flips it around for her to see. I'm not facing him so I can't see what it reads, but she nods excitedly.


I don't think I like were this is going. I feel my hands slightly grip the edges of my desk, as I shift uncomfortably.

He turns his pad around, writing something once more. It takes him a little longer than before. Finally, he turns it over again for her to read.

I'm way focused on her face, I can't tell her emotion, sad? Happy?? Confused?

She looks up at him, and nods slowly, she says something in a much smaller tone than her confident one before, she turns around briskly, snatching the paper from the students desk, as she marches back to her own.

A small smiles pulls at my face as I recognize her emotion, anger.


When the bell rings, signaling class is over, it doesn't take me long before striding over to Ben's desk.

I tap him on the shoulder, and when he turns to face me I ask him, " sooo.. what was all that about?" As if I'm totally confused by the entire situation.

I'm not, I just want to see what he says.

He types something out on his phone, before showing it to me.

'She wanted to go out with me'

That singular message made me feel a little bit mad, she hasn't even interacted with him before! At least, not that I know of.

"And what than?" We started out the door, walking into the crowded hallway, I grabbed a pocket on Ben's backpack to stay next to him,

Once again he types on his phone,

'I turned her down'

I smile a little, before playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Ben!" I gasp, " you heartbreaker.. "

he smiles at this before giving me a little push.


These are so fun to write omg

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