Valentines- Ben/Taylor

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Taylor was always a hopeless romantic,

She'd never actually had somebody give her a proper valentines date before,

She would imagine, it would be perfect, a candle lit dinner while the watching stars twinkled above.

Though maybe that not what she got,

It was still just as perfect.

Taylor's P.O.V

You probably can't even fathom how excited I feel right now.

My stomach is pure butterflies and every other moment I feel the need to jump up and down with joy.

I have to force myself to focus on the task at hand.

Ben had asked me—well—he'd wrote to me, asking if I'd want to go get ice cream with him. Yeah—yeah alright maybe it sounds like a normal hangout. 

But can't you understand? 

it's Valentine's Day! 

And if I'm being completely honest, the boy that caught your attention inviting you out in the day of love? It HAS to be a date, there is no other possible reason.

I think it's the fact that I asked if I should dress up, he told me I could do whatever I wanted and I'd still look pretty.

Feeling my face heat up once again, I place my curling iron onto my vanity, and press my—equally as warm hands to my face.

Earlier in the evening, I turned my Spotify on and played a playlist of love songs. I smile a little listening closer to the lyrics, while I continue to finish styling my hair.

When I talk to you

Oh, Cupid walks right through

and shoots an arrow through my heart

I hum along to the lyrics, taking deep breaths as if to calm my racing heart.

And I sound like a loon

But don't you feel it, too?

Confess I loved you from the start

Turning off the curling iron. I lift myself from the small chair placed in front of my mirror. I realize that I've been staring at myself for a little bit, staring myself in the eye specifically, which yeah—I got uncomfortable, but In my mind I'm giving myself one of the biggest pep talks of my life.

It's easy, it's simple. Just act regular, you and Ben have had separate hang outs from the group before. Nothing big is changing, just the fact—

It's actually scaring seeing the blush creep up on your own face.

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