Sickly Sweet - Aiden/Ashlyn

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Being sick sucks.

So why not do your best to try and make it better?

Ashlyn's P.O.V

Aiden had—ever so politely asked me to come over to his home.

And by politely I mean he spam called me and blew up my phone with 'help me' and 'S.O.S' messages.

Yes they where entertaining, but I was pretty nervous. He had mentioned within one of his many texts he was sick and wanted me there with him, and I absolutely did not plan on getting sick.

I asked previously what supplies would I bring, it wasn't very helpful once he respond with 'just bring yourself'.

Even though he requested, I grabbed a random snack from my pantry. Deciding on girls out thin mints, I know Aiden loves chocolate. Maybe it could help him feel better.


I wasn't very surprised when the front door was unlocked, just a little concerned.

The Clark's house was oddly silent, every step felt like it echoed throughout the house. I can hear a particular blonde boy, his movements are light but it's not like he is being quiet, especially with my hearing.

I pad up the stairs with a certain urgency I didn't know I had, and once arriving at Aiden's door I can hear a little better the boy on the other side. It wasn't very pleasant, loud obnoxious sniffs and a cough every other second.

I twist the door handle open, wincing at the screech of the door opening. A little gasp comes from a mountain of jumbled blankets, I turn my head to see a slightly startled Aiden, eyes wide but then relaxing a noticeable amount once he realizes it's me.

"Oh?" I laugh a little, continuing farther into the room. "You scared the—" he pauses to snuff out a growing cough, "you scared the shit out of me, red" I hum, and place the items I brought on his nightstand.

I wade myself to Aiden's desk, and turn to face him, leaning my body against the wooden surface.

"Why am I here again?"

"To comfort your lovely boyfriend"

"Lovely is being a bit extra.."

"You hurt me ash, you really do" he huffs, but it kinda sounds like a painful groan. I push myself off of the desk, making my way over to the boy in the bed, who looks completely distraught. I can't really help the small laugh that escapes me. I sit down onto the bed, and watch him open his eyes slightly, only to be greeted with familiar green eyes instead of red.

"No contacts?" "Nuh-uh" he sighs and gives me a pleading look as if to say ' do something '

I bring my hand to his head, caressing his temple with my thumbs while running my other fingers smoothly throughout his hair. He leans into my touch a little, the grimace on his face slowly melting into a monotonous—almost bored face, I noticed he didn't have his usual smile. But that's fine, I've learned that he feels a lot more vulnerable without it, so it's best not to make a big deal about it.

"Want something to drink? Ice water? Something cold?"

"Mmmyeah" he says, averting his gaze to the bedside table, specifically eyeing the snacks I brought for him. "Girl Scouts? Really?" "Stop I literally brought your favorites, be grateful."


After pampering to Aiden's every request, all in the name of being sick, he tries to coo his way into having me lay next to him.

"Why not?"

 "I told you, I'm not getting sick"

 "pretty pretty please?" 

I groan, "if I were Ben would you make him lay down with you?" I question, cocking an eyebrow at him, " well for starters, gross.. and Ben wouldn't even think of coming to help me, he's a germaphobe. That boy can handle a lot, but the flu? No way." He smiles up at me.

I cross my arms, and sigh. "Or just sit with me? Until I fall asleep?" He sounds drowsy, and tired. "That, I can do" I nod, I watch as he gets up at a steady pace, and lean his back against his wall, waiting for me to do the same.

I kick off my untied boots, and follow him. Placing myself against the cool wall, relaxing my muscle slowly.

I feel Aiden intertwine our hands, and I can't help at smile at the small gesture, "god, your such a baby" he leans into my shoulder a little bit, and I put my head on his shoulder. 

"I would say something smart that you'd totally make fun of me for, but I don't have the energy currently" he says, running his thumb over my hand.

The silence that follows in comfortable and light, nothing is really that loud—just soft breaths and the ongoing run of the air conditioner.

I feel my face heat up, maybe it's the extra body heat,

Or maybe it's the thought that I'd rather be here with him than anywhere else.


This was unfinished in my drafts so it's a mix of my old writing style and my new ( not very improved i know but Erm.. anyway!)

Is it kind of weird I made this just to say hi to my Mooties?



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