Dark sea of stars - Logan

812 14 16

Life is chaotic, thats an obvious factor.

But along the way of life, we develop hobbies, we grow to are environment to best fit are interests.

It's fulfilling to return back to what you once cherished with care, it makes feel like after everything changes, everything adapts to the new environment in which we are forced to grow and thrive in.

It's nice to see something that brings such nostalgia

Logan's P.O.V

It was bothering grandma that I didn't do much involving astrology anymore.

And slowly, it started to bother me too. It's not like I abandoned the topic, it's just that..with everything going on at night..

there's never not a time we're I'm not at least a little stressed now, but looking into a glossy telescope always calmed me a bit, so maybe it could help?


It took a little bit to set up.

Although the texture of the contraption was very familiar, I guess I must have forgotten how to properly put it together. Even when I thought that I'd done it perfectly, the telescope crumpled to the ground.

Letting out an annoyed huff. I lower my body towards the grass covered ground, laying back until my body is extended toward the sky,

 any anxiety immediately leaves me.

I'm reminded why I loved astrology so much.

Facing back towards me, an inky sky, filled with tiny sparkling stars. Each with their own purpose, each with more—so much more— to what they might seem.

It's a breathtaking sight, the sky is clear, there is no annoying sounds of insects buzzing to life. Just a serene, complicated, beautiful collage of things you wouldn't even begin to imagine.

To me, they all look a lot like diamonds, each one of them.

I smile a little, yes, the stars may be pretty.

But they are very symbolic. Well—to me..

Each one of them represents a lovely crafted being. Just like us—humans that is.

They all have potential, and without them, the universe would become cold and empty.

And you never know if one could be a planet, you'd just have to pay more attention to it.

Taking deep breaths, I adjust my eyesight away from the dazzling sight, back to the mess that is telescope parts. Even though I totally need to clean this up, and it's gonna be a pain. I realize that maybe we don't need help focusing on the alluring beauty of things,

Maybe instead of taking everything for granted,

Maybe if we all were to look a little closer—

We'd realize everybody has a sparkle like a star, you just need to focus on it to see it.


Giving the Logan lovers some content 🫡 

I came up with this idea, but I'm not very sure if it was a very good one 😢 


—💋💋 ⭐️ 

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