Distracted - Aiden/Ashlyn

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Idea by- Melsbakeryy 

The week had been filled with rain,

The atmosphere was wet, and the air was warm.

But Aiden loved this weather specifically,

So why go for a walk by yourself when you can go with someone who you adore?

Ashlyn's P.O.V

I hated everything about this, the humidity was unbearable, it made my hair feel sticky, my clothes suddenly became to hot, I don't know what compelled me to even agree going with Aiden.

Tuning back into the conversation, i have a little bit of a hard time piecing what the topic was about,

"Ash" "hm?" I respond, trying my best to not make it obvious how badly I don't want to be here, "can we stop at 7-eleven, I want a slushy" it takes me a minute to realize that we were even in front of the store, also, a slushy doesn't sound so bad. "Yeah, alright"

He grabs the sleeve of my sweatshirt and drags me in,


We were only in there for a couple of minutes, we bought to slushys, a pack of gum, and a bag of gummy worms.

Slowly, we made are way back to the neighborhood,

it felt odd, earily quite, before I realized Aiden stopped rambling. Turning my head to face him, I notice he was actually a little farther away, he must have stopped walking with me.

Aiden looked kinda crazy, I mean he always does, but he was just staring intently at a big patch of bushes.

Making my way back to him, "Aiden, why'd you stop?" I call out, but almost immediately he puts his fingers to his lips and shushes me, never taking his eyes away from the bush.

When I'm next to him, he slowly crouches down. I still can't see what he is staring down, until he gestures for me to crouch down to.

That's when I see it, or rather, I see them.

Two pearly white cats, curled up on each other, sleeping.

"It's a little kitty," Aiden whispers, holding up part of the bush to get a better look.

I've always liked cats, even though I'm a dog person, I can relate more to cats.

"Y'know who they remind me of?" I say softly, nudging him. He looks at me, giving a questioning look, " the mom and daughter cat, from that one movie we all watched,"

it takes him a second, maybe it wasn't that vivid, but once he knew what I meant he looked excited.

"You mean Duchess and Marie?" Yeah. The group watched a movie about cats for a movie night, it was a good movie, actually. It was enjoyable.

I nod my head, he had a pretty smile on his face, not a crazy one, which was pretty seldom, for him to look so bright without his classic craziness. I find myself smiling a little with him, god he is such a dork.

"They totally do," he agrees with me, turning his focus back to the felines. "They even look like mom and daughter!" He whispers a little louder, i stand up. Taking out my phone.

I take a picture of him admiring the cats, 1. Because they're cute, 2. Because he is cute.

" do you think they would want a gummy worm?" He questions, reaching into the plastic bag he had placed on the ground. "I don't know, maybe?" I laugh a little as I watch him take a little pinch of gummy worms and place them gently near the sleeping animals.

"You should leave them be," I speak slowly, letting the words sink into him, " yeah, if someone was watching me, and gave me gummy worms while I wasn't conscious I'd be pretty spooked." He rises up, and takes the plastic bag full of are items into his one hand.

When we finally began to walk back to are homes, I hear him whine from behind me.

"Awe," he says disappointedly, I turn to him, " my slushy melted.." he shakes the plastic cup, swishing around the, now, flavored water. "I think it's better melted, you can taste more flavor," I say, " that's disgusting." He responds quickly, I chuckle a little, "mhm. Sure",

"So do you think there were other Aristocat-kitties, around" he speaks fast, you could hear the wonder in his voice.

"Shut up and drink your juice"

"Yes sir"



I really enjoyed making this 😭 

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