Blood rush - Aiden/Ashlyn

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When Aiden..had the roof fall on him,

Ashlyn felt numb.

Actually, she felt so horrified that she almost felt numb.

So to say she was shocked to see the boy she'd just watch die, alive, across from her, in her arms.

That would be a hell of an understatement

Ashlyn's P.O.V

The first thing I could register when I woke up, wasn't the loud commotion ringing loudly in my ears, but the fact that once me and Taylor had pulled aiden out from the rubble of the ceiling.. Aiden looked—he looked—

I feel my hands start to shake slightly,

He looked like a phantom.

He looked like he was about to hurt someone.

I feel the need to throw up—or to somehow release the tension that's building up in my body, that's when i pay attention to the horrible headache that bloomed in my head.

Finally tuning in, I realize Logan was speaking to me.

"I'm okay." I try to reassure him, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't believe me, in fact—I'm trying to force myself to believe I'm alright.

I shake my thoughts from my head. This isn't about me right now.

I bring my head up slightly, remembering where Aiden went to sleep—the center of all the commotion.

"I'm fine— Im—" a strained voice repeats the some words over an over, and it makes me want to break down once I register the voice as Aiden's. His parents are absolutely freaking out, Lily is crying—its chaos.

I feel my entire body freeze once I realize we are making eye contact. His normally ruby eyes stare black and—and dead into mine, his pupils are dilated so wide they look anything but human.

I Can feel my breaths stutter, getting shorter and more rushed once I move towards him.

"Ash?" He speaks, in a small damaged voice.

At this point I'm pushing myself onto him. I need to feel his heart beating—I want to hear his breaths and reassure myself that he is alright—that he is not dead.

That he is here with me.

Just like every time I've ever made any physical contact with Aiden, he shifts his head into the crook of my neck, and is almost take in a sense of comfort when he pulls me in.

"You died."

 It feels worse to say it out loud, and I feel bad knowing that I'm clawing at his back—but right now I need every sense of touch he can offer.

He tugs me closer to him, and brings his head close to my ear.

In a hoarse, barley below a whisper voice, he speaks,

"Im alright."

I let those words ring in my head.

He's alright.

He's alright.

Aiden Clark is alright.

The tears in my eyes threaten to spill, but I drive my head to his shoulder, blocking a gateway for them.

I can't lose aiden— I can't lose any of them. I'm to attached to the random bunch of kids I hated for such a long time. I physically can't imagine my life without them.

I tighten my grips on Aiden and do my best to calm my exploding nerves.

He's okay.

Aiden is OKAY.





Hey guys,

Im really sorry but I won't be posting as much for the next 2 weeks (I'll still be posting just not as often!) 

I have some really big events happening in my life and I need all my focus to be put into those 😭 


I know that I did 2 Aidelyn in a row.. and I know I have some requests, but im saving those for when I have some free time,

Love you all!


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