Your gonna be okay - Aiden/Ashlyn

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+ Hurt/comfort 

Havoc was one way to explain it.

The group had been attacked by a hurd a phantoms, while they where doing well at fighting them off, there were a few times they got hit,

But their determination was to strong to be broken.

The phantoms were thinning out, maybe the teenagers would be able to make it back to the graveyard before their time was up!

Maybe because they were slowly gaining confidence taking out the demon-ish creatures, they stopped keeping track of their friends around them.

And with their guards down,

Someone was bound to get hurt.

Ashlyn's P.O.V

Everything happened insanely quick.

I got distracted when a phantom grabbed my shoulder, I was thrown aggressively to the ground, the force making one of my earbuds fall out.

Fighting the horrible migraine that immediately followed, it was hard to focus.

I couldn't tell if I'm standing or sitting, but I knew I was vulnerable, everybody was focused fighting for themselves, I didn't want to distract them.

But I couldn't keep my voice quiet when i felt a claw reach out from around me and rip at my skin,

The stinging was absolutely one of the most painful things I've ever felt, it reached from the back of my waist to right below my chest.

I felt the world spinning around me, it was to loud.

Forgetting were I was, my legs gave out, dropping me from whatever stance I was in.

I heard everything. The screams of my name, the loud thump when the phantom hit the ground.

I heard the sound of someone sliding on the grass next to me, and I heard the fabric of the 'protective' clothes we had, rub together.

Nothing but pain. That's all I can focus on.

Someone is holding me— I don't know who. And frankly I don't care right now.

I just wanna go home.

That's the only thought swimming through my mind, and it was the only thought I had as I was rushed back to the graveyard. it was the only thought I had whilst I was aggressively being bandaged, being watched as if whatever I might do would cause the world to stop working.

I don't know who, but somebody slipped my noiseless headphones onto my head.I want to thank them, but I can't make out any words, the wind was knocked out of me.


I started to try to look at my surroundings, I was definitely in the bus, I could see the twins,and Logan outside, it was hard to tell what they were doing, so I decided to pay no mind to it.

My next focus, is Ben who was the one to bandage me, in the very front of the bus, he looked asleep.

Turning my head hurt, like hurt a lot more than it should, but I managed. Looking to my side I see the familiar bottle blonde, laying over me, he wasn't laying on my injured side, but still it added more pressure than comfort.

I slowly bring my arm out, and take his hand into mine.

I know how Aiden gets in situations like these, he might not show it often but he freaks out like crazy when he is by himself. And I know that he cares a lot about me, so this probably took a lot on my stupid psycho.

He definitely wasn't ready for me to grab his hand, he shot up quickly,he looked panicked. "Aiden, calm down" I try to force a natural smile, I tried to but I don't think it looked that to good based on his reaction.

He takes his time studying my face, and than lowers himself back to his old position, he very carefully placed his arm above my chest, he leaned his head on my shoulder.


"How bad does it hurt?" He breaks the odd silence,

"Pretty bad. But not as bad as before" I found my hand pressed into his hair, I lightly scratch his scalp.

"I'm sorry ash." He says slowly, I can tell he feels guilty by the change in his voice,

"It's not your fault, I should've payed more attention to what was happening around me." He sighs softly, and I feel him sink into me a little more.

I'm not big on personal touch, but I think Aiden is the only exception.

" who gave me the headphones?" I glance down at him, waiting for the response, " me" he spoke quickly and quietly, I let a little 'oh' escape from my mouth, before leaning down and laying my head atop of his. "Thanks, they are helping me a lot right now."

He nods slowly before I realize he shifted slightly,

I take notice of his other arm snaking across my body, he hovered over my injured half, taking my hand in his, he pulled my arm over my body until it was resting above my chest, he caressed my hand with his thumb.

" sorry, " he starts, " I know that I'm probably overstepping a lot of your boundaries right now, but I really need this."

I can feel a pity smile pull at the corners of my lips, "I think your the one person I'd let be this close to me, physically that is." I say whole heartedly.

He nods and relaxes a little bit, I try my best to relax to. Talking to Aiden made the pain buzzing lively on my body calm a little bit, but it still hurt.

Hopefully it won't be as bad when we go home.

I close my eyes and take a long, much needed breath,

Only focusing on the boy who needs me just as much as I need him.


I wrote this half asleep😘 but that's okay!

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