You'd be there for me, right? -!Platonic! Tyler+Ashlyn

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Requested by— Queenieheartzzz

Maybe when we don't feel like defending are selves, because there's no point.

Because you know it won't stop, even if you try.

But it's not exactly impossible, and your sure not accountable for someone else's actions,

So maybe it's okay to let somebody defend you, maybe it's okay to have somebody show their loyalty, even if it doesn't mean much to that person.

It's nice when somebody has your back.

Ashlyn's P.O.V

Okay so I'd never say I've ever been bullied,

I've been talked about before, made fun of, ridiculed.

But never to an extent where I would consider it bullying.

So yeah, maybe I've got an attitude. But I know when to stop talking.

but apparently, it's 'embarrassing' to get chastised in front of your friends, by a girl way shorter than you, just for simply making fun of HER friends right in her face.

I didn't have a single intent on going any farther than that. After all, it was just some nobody that hangs around Barron to much.


It was the end of the day, and I'd forgotten my bag full of..important..stuff.. inside the gym locker room.

Because Tyler had baseball practice that day, he also had to go to the gym. So why not walk together?

We passed by the same group of kids I'd called out earlier today, they were eerily silent. Me and Tyler both shared a glance of uncomfort.

Once I've got what I needed, I met Tyler back outside of the locker room. I decided I would use the gym exit to leave rather than walk all the way across the school. However, during the rather long walk—we were interrupted by a particularly annoying group of wannabe's.

"Where are you guys going?" A random asks, once again, me and Tyler look at each other. Confusion very obvious. "Does it..matter?" Tyler spoke slowly, trying to decipher the situation. "Of course it does!" I feel a weight wrap around my shoulder, and suddenly I'm pulled into somebody. "We wanna be included." The kid practically Holds my back to his chest.

What the hell.

"Get off of me."

He doesn't budge,

"dude she said get off." Tyler walks towards the boy, crossing his arms. He always looked a little intimidating whenever he did that.

He loosens his grip around me slightly, "do you not know what 'get off me' means?" Tyler glares at the guy, raising his voice a little. I'm to caught off guard by the audacity of this kid. Was it only to make me uncomfortable? Was it because I called him out earlier today?

Tyler takes another step forward, except he genuinely looks mad.

"Hey, i was just kidding." He lets his hand drop from my shoulder, pushing me forward slightly, "he was just joking." One of his friends pipes up, "what a joke, grabbing random people. Super funny." Tyler goes on, I watch him spit comeback after comeback dedicated to get his point across, until theres nothing left to discuss.


By the time the group left me and Tyler,we'd already started making are original route to the gym.

"what a bunch of assholes." I mutter under my breath. "Are you okay?" He asks sounding a little more caring. "Yeah, just' caught off guard, thanks though. I appreciate what you just did." He smiles a little at me. "If you could you'd probably rip that guys ear off." He laughs a little, "damn right I would" I find myself smiling along.

I think I like that I'm able to trust people, well I mean—specific people— enough to defend me.

I guess it's a lot better than doing things alone.


I was genuinely struggling writing this, I'm half asleep so if there are any major mess-ups PLEASE let me know


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