Watering Holes and Secrets

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"Uh... guys?" Darius called to the others. He'd only gone out a little to the nearby river to grab some more water for Kenji's shower. And he found it entirely dried out. The others quickly joined him. It'd been days now since they'd started to build camp. Now they'd finally finished up, everyone was calmer and more settled down. Brooklynn was constantly sleeping in, Kenji running down all the water every day with his showers. Yasmina coming up with some DIY physical therapy. Darius watching dinosaurs and documenting behaviors and looks and other new knowledge into his little field guide. Sammy maintaining everything and keeping them supplied. Finally, some sense of organization and relaxation. They hadn't been in danger for days. They stopped stressing so hard about when or if help would arrive. And they grew closer. Things were pretty good.

"Where'd all the water go?" Sammy asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Why don't we ask Mr. 45 minute showers?" Yasmina remarked, just as Kenji arrived to the scene.

"Hey, looking good is part of my brand. And no way I drained a whole river," he defended himself.

"Guys, we better figure out what's up, or we're gonna run out of drinking water," Darius warned. Before he could say anything else, someone shushed him. It was Brooklynn, on the other side of the former river. They knew what was up. She'd been on about it since the day she supposedly found a patch of frozen flowers. She never found it again.

"I hear that hum again," she said. Noone else heard any hum. Everyone sighed and groaned in annoyance.

"The river must have been drowning it out before," she surmised, "if I can follow that sound I bet I can find that-"

"Frozen patch of flowers," the others cut her off in unison. None of them very enthusiastically.

"Oh, I mentioned it, huh?" Brooklynn said with a nervous chuckle, holding her arm.

"The frozen flowers you saw once but have never found again?" Kenji said. "Yeah, a few hundred times."

"Um, I'm sorry for wanting to get to the bottom of all the weirdness on the island. I came here to-" Brooklynn was once again cut off.

"Unbox Jurassic World and that's what I'm gonna do," they all said in unison again. She gave them all an unamused gaze. And then Sammy spoke up.

"If you're gonna go look for the noise, I'll come too!" she said, hopping over to the social media star. "If that's okay. It'd be nice to have an adventure for a fun reason, and not a 'fleeing dinosaurs or facing imminent death' reason," she added on towards the end. Yasmina quickly hopped down into the ditch carelessly.

"I'll go if Sammy is!" she said happily, joining the other girl. Something about Sammy just pulled her in. It seemed like eons ago that she tried to drive home the point that she and Sammy would never be friends again. But here they were, nearly inseperable. She then realized it seemed both weird and rude to Brooklynn to cite Sammy as her only reason for going. Even though, no offence to Brooklynn, that was the case.

"And uh, Brooklynn. Brooklynn, too."

"It's a Camp Cretaceous girl adventure!" Sammy gushed.

"Great, and while you do that, Kenji and I will go figure out why the river stopped," Darius said. Seemed like a plan.

"Sorry, Kenji do what now?" the oldest asked. He didn't seem too thrilled at the prospect.

"You wanna keep up your shower habit, don't ya?" Darius asked him. "And, y'know, also survive. Let's go unbox the mystery of the missing water," he said, attempting his best 'cool guy smirk' with the whole mysterious arm gesture.

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