Chapter 66: Big John Routledge

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Grace couldn't quite believe it when the Twinkie pulled up and Big John climbed out onto her lawn. John B had told her he was alive over the phone but seeing him with her own eyes was a whole other thing.

"There's my girl," Big John grinned and spoke in his usual rough voice.

Grace snapped out of her surprise and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He was quick to return the hug, pulling her in close. 

"You're alive," she whispered, still holding onto him.

Big John laughed and she could feel his chest shake against her, "That I am."

He released the hug and held her at an arms length, assessing her through his glasses. "You've grown."

Grace smiled, ignoring the tears gathering in her eyes. "I missed you."

He smiled back. "I've missed you too but we've got business to attend to. You coming?"

She laughed, "Of course I am."

Grace climbed into the back of the Twinkie while Big John got back into the driver's seat. She reached up and squeezed John B's shoulder making him grin back at her.

"Where we going, Pops?" Grace asked as the Twinkie pulled out of her street.

"We are stopping by your history teacher's house, Gracie," Big John answered.

"Mr. Sunn?" John B peered out his window as they pulled into a middle class neighbourhood.

"Well, he had the original diary, right? Then vanished once word got out that he had it. I doubt it's here, but it ain't gonna hurt to check." Big John grabbed the key out of the ignition and hopped out of the van, the teens following suit.

The duo followed after Big John towards the house. He peered through the window.

"Nobody's home. We should probably get outta here," John B said after taking one glance inside.

Grace furrowed her brows, confused by how antsy he seemed. "Maybe we should just knock."

"And announce our presence? Nah, let's have some fun. Take a look around. What do you say?" Big John lead them around the side of the house.

John B and Grace shared worried looks. 

"Have some fun? I thought you said he was in hiding," John B complained but followed after his father nonetheless.

"I said he was missing," Big John corrected, "He could be in hiding, or he could be," he held a finger gun to his head and pretended it shot him, "done."

Grace winced at his bluntness. "Let's hope he isn't 'done' cause you're going to hell if so."

Big John shrugged, "Either way, he's not here." He crouched down and began working to pick the backdoor's lock. "I don't think he'd mind if we looked around a little bit."

The lock clicked and Big John laughed triumphantly. "Still got it."

"Oh, a little breaking and entering with my pops," John B grumbled. "Just add it to the list of felonies."

Grace patted him on the shoulder before following after Big John into the house. "Mr. Sunn?"

"Is anybody home?" John B added.

"The original diary, what's it look like?" Big John asked, already busying himself with his search.

"Leather-bound," John B motioned with his hands, "about yea big."

"Alright, check everywhere."

Grace stayed by John B's side. The house felt weirdly quiet and being alone in it didn't seem all that appealing.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now