Chapter 21: Boyfriend and Baking

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The sun rose as the three girls sat on the edge of the boat, waiting for their ride back. 

"So JJ finally got his head outta his ass huh?" Kie grinned over at Grace.

"He's been in love with you since like...forever," Sarah smiled.

"I guess so yeah..." Grace wasn't really the type to talk about herself. She liked listening to other peoples' stories and love lives but she was never good at talking about her own. That's what her music was for.

"Took y'all long enough..." Kie poked Grace teasingly.

Grace rolled her eyes. 

"So wait are you guys like official?" Sarah asked.

"Uh... we haven't really talked about it..." Grace mumbled.

"So you're telling me after all these years he finally kissed you and he still hasn't asked you out," Kie asked.

Grace merely shrugged. She hadn't really thought about it. She'd been so happy to finally be with him she hadn't even realized that they didn't have a label. They'd said 'I love you,' made out multiple times and cuddled up on the pullout every night but she didn't actually know what they were. Grace picked at her nails nervously.

Kie noticed and patted her on the back, "Hey, don't sweat it. He'll work up the nerve eventually."

Sarah nodded while smiling at her sister.

John B's voice came yelling from the HMS Pogue in the distance, "You forget your keys or something?"

"You guys need a tow?" Pope added.

"Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked," Kie sighed.

"Absolutely not."

"Their egos are already too high."

The HMS pulled up to Heyward's boat.

"You gotta admit it was funny," John B smiled.

"John B," Kie started.

"Uh, what's that?"

"Mastermind, huh?"

"I'm always plannin'."

"Some patriarchal bullshit," Kie grumbled.

"Yeah, that sucked," Sarah added.

Grace stayed quiet and just looked at JJ.

He looked back at her, "You still love us though, right?"

Grace was too lost in thought to reply.



"Still love me right?"

"Oh! Yeah, yeah...course," she mumbled while climbing aboard the HMS. JJ's brows furrowed.

John B looked up at Sarah, "Hey, you still hate me?"

"A little. We're gonna get you back when you least expect it."

"Watch your back, boys," Kie warned.

"Well I for one welcome that challenge," Pope shrugged. "So, did you guys, you know..."

"Reconcile our differences?" Kie finished.

"Mm-mm," Sarah shook her head.

"Not even close."

"Got really high though," Grace added.

JJ grinned at her, "I love when you get high."

She smiled slightly. JJ's grin widened. Even a small smile was a win in his books. Especially since she was acting off.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now