Chapter 31: Beyond The Grave

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JJ was going insane. He was stuck at the country club serving a bunch of rich assholes while trying desperately to ignore his friend's deaths. He grabbed a pitcher of water from the bar and made his way around the restaurant to fill cups.

That whole ignoring thing was pointless when he was constantly overhearing whispers about his "murderer" best friend and "brainwashed" girlfriend. 

When he got to Topper's table and heard the girl sitting there speak his grip tightened on the pitcher.

"John B got what was coming to him, and it saved the expense of a trial. I'm just saying John B's going to hell for what he did to Sheriff Peterkin."

JJ filled Topper's glass as the Kook spoke, "Guys, they're still investigating."

The girl didn't stop and instead doubled down, "Yeah, I don't know why. It's obvious who did it."

JJ started walking away as Kelce responded, "Yeah exactly." 

JJ whipped back around, "Shut up."

Topper held his hand out, trying to calm him. "JJ just walk away. It's not the time."

"I don't think we were talking to you, Pogue," Kelce spat.

JJ clenched his jaw tightly as he picked up a glass from their table. He hit a knife against it loudly. "Can I have everybody's attention please? I have a little announcement to make!"

The racket he was making quickly gathered the eyes of all of the Kooks in the restaurant. "My girlfriend, Grace isn't brainwashed and my best friend, John B, did not kill Sheriff Peterkin. Rafe Cameron killed and shot the Sheriff in cold blood!"

Kelce scoffed at his words.

"That's what happened."

"Wow," Kelce said sarcastically.

JJ looked down at Kelce specifically, "Is that so hard for you to believe?"

Kelce got up from his chair and approached JJ. "It is actually hard for me to believe because it's always the Kook's fault. It's never the Pogues fault."

JJ quickly grabbed the water pitcher and dumped it all over Kelce. He retaliated by grabbing JJ's shoulders and shoving him.

Topper sprang up from his seat and tried to separate them. "Are you serious? Knock it off!"

After a bit more struggling the manager split the two up.

"JJ!" he shouted.

"Yeah, I know Raz. I know. I'm fired."

JJ took off his apron and shoved it into Raz's chest then made his way for the exit. His breathing was heavy and he held a hand to his chest.

Once he was out of the club he threw a middle finger back at the Kooks and started up his bike. Before leaving he was sure to run his bike through the manicured gardens, spraying dirt and roots everywhere.


Grace looked out the window as the boat pulled into port. "Shit! Cops!"

"Shit," John B said while running a hand through his hair.

"John B! Window!" Sarah demanded. 

John B quickly grabbed a heavy metal water bottle laying around and slammed it into the window, making it shatter into a million pieces. 

Sarah and Grace hopped off the boat first with John B on their tail. They climbed onto a board walk and took off running. Grace followed Sarah and John B followed behind her as they ran through the busy market streets. 

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now