Chapter 34: Sitting Ducks

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"Home sweet home. Take us to your mansion, Miss Fancy-pants," Terrance said from the bed of the truck.

The trio plus Terrance, Stubbs and Cleo were beginning their heist. The first step was getting in.

Grace was in the bed of the truck with the others while John B and Sarah sat next to each other in the front.

"So what should we expect Ace?" Cleo asked.

"You ever watch the Princess Bride?"

Cleo shook her head.

"Seriously? I've gotta get you on that. Once you're not holding us for ransom we're having a girls' movie night."

John B pulled the truck into the mansion's driveway, "All right, this is it."

Grace and the others in the back pulled a tarp over themselves.

"Hey there," she heard John B speak.

The man at the gate sounded like he was talking on the phone. "One second."

"I'm actually just coming to pick up my leaf blower from, um..."

"Bayline," Sarah whispered.

"Bayline. I do a lot of work over there," John B finished.

"Yep. Go ahead."

The truck drove through the open gate and towards the Cameron mansion.

"Gotta be pretty rich to have a waterfall in your front yard," Terrance commented while Sarah dug in the bushes for a key.

Sarah pulled out a conch shell and shook it around until a key fell out of it.

"I absolutely love what you've done with the landscaping," the captain continued.

 "Really? The landscapers can never get it just to our liking," Grace said in a British accent while putting a hand to her forehead dramatically. Cleo scoffed beside her.

Sarah unlocked the door and the group all crowded around her.

"Get in. We don't have all night. Go," Terrance ordered.

Sarah looked back at him with a stern expression before nodding for them to follow her.

They all made their way through the grand house and towards the safe.

"Isn't this place spooky?" Grace whispered to Cleo.

Cleo just nodded while looking around at the architecture. 

"Okay, let's see here." Sarah crouched down in front of the safe.

"Showtime girly," Terrance said.

The safe beeped as Sarah typed in a pin. She tried to pull open the door to no avail.

"I knew I should've never listened to you," Terrance scoffed.

"Usually he uses his birthday."

"He's a narcissist," Grace added. "Uh...Maybe you entered it wrong?"

Sarah tried again but it still didn't open.

"Chop-chop, lets go," Terrance continued his rushing.

"Try Rose's," Grace suggested while crouching down next to her sister. 

She had been joking around with Cleo the whole time but she was worried. They were fully screwed if the safe didn't open and even more screwed if they got caught. Her jokes were entirely a coping mechanism to deal with the stress. Usually she'd resort to fiddling with JJ's hair or fingers but given the fact that he was in a different country, that wasn't really an option. Instead she was making use of JJ type humour. 

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now