Chapter 14: The Camerons

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The Camerons minus Rafe sat around the dining table. The silence was deafening. Grace really tried to get out of dinner but Rose insisted and she couldn't just run away. 

"So Grace you're coming to Midsummers?" Sarah broke the silence. 

Trying to keep things civil Grace replied, "Yeah, I assume you are too?"

Sarah just nodded while smiling.

"Ward how is that house-" Rose started.

"Why's she still here?" Rafe cut Rose off loudly. Grace hadn't even noticed his arrival.

"Grace was stopping in so we invited her to have dinner," Ward answered while shooting Rafe a warning look.

"Why was she stopping by in the first place?" Rafe continued. Grace's chicken suddenly was very interesting as she stared down at her plate.

"She's your sister," Ward scolded.

"Hardly. She's a pogue. I don't get why she's suddenly interested in her real family."

"Rafe-" Sarah started.

"I mean she's more like her psycho mother than any of us," Rafe scoffed. Grace shot up from her seat, "Don't talk about my mom!"

Rafe glared at her, "What? It's true. She whored herself around the Cut all day just like you do now."

Grace hurried towards him and jabbed a finger into his chest. "I'm disgusted to share any DNA with you. You're a lazy, greedy, asshole who has nothing without his rich father."

Rafe grabbed her wrist harshly making Grace flinch.

"Rafe let go of her!" Sarah yelled as she jumped up from her chair. 

Ward quickly rushed towards them and grabbed Rafe by the shoulders to separate the two Camerons. "Rafe settle down. Go get a plate and sit at the table." He turned to Grace, "Sweetie why don't you sit-"

"You're just going to let him talk about her like that?" Grace essentially shouted in his face. Ward didn't say anything. Grace scoffed and shook her head.

"Do you have any empathy whatsoever?" He stayed silent.

"I'll see you at Midsummers," with one last glare up at Rafe and Ward, Grace hurried to the door and pulled her shoes on.

"Yeah go run back to JJ like you always do! He doesn't care about you Grace. He's going to get what he wants and move on like he always does with every girl. You're not any different," Rafe yelled after her. 

She paused for a second. Part of her wanted Ward to tell her to stay and to be a real dad. The ten year old kid inside her desperately wanted him to defend her from her half-brother but the sixteen year old who knew better forced her to pull the door open and hurry out.


Grace's first instinct was to go to the Chateau. She knew JJ was there and the only thing she wanted was to break down in his arms. She knew he would be ready and willing to hold her and the thought was enticing yet she didn't give in. She headed towards her dark and depressing house. Towards her grumpy and distant stepdad and away from the warmth and comfort of JJ. 

She knew Rafe was taunting her. He was just trying to get under her skin. Yet the nagging voice in the back of her head reminded her that what he said was based in reality. JJ had a history of hooking up with girls then promptly ditching them. Every time it happened Grace's heart ached in jealousy and sadness yet she never lost feelings for him. 

She knew JJ would never intentionally hurt her. She knew that. But what if he didn't know how deeply she had wanted him and thought she was just like the other girls he had gotten with? The anxious side of her brain took ahold and pushed her in the direction of her house rather than her home.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now