Chapter 10: Moon and Sun

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Grace held her bruised side as she made her way back to JJ's. She was planning on staying at her house but clearly that wasn't going to work out. Once she arrived she pulled her hand off her side and straightened her posture to walk normally, ignoring the pain. 

"JJ? Pope?" she called while making her way to the back.

JJ who had been lost in thought about their almost-kiss, drowning out Pope's rambling, perked up at her voice. "Hey Sunshine," he called as she rounded the corner. JJ and Pope were sat on two crappy lawn chairs next to each other. "What's got you back so early? Miss me already?" he smirked. She didn't say anything and instead went to sit on his lap and put her head in his shoulder, hiding her face from the setting sun. JJ frowned. No sarcastic response, no laughter, not even a little smile. Something was off. 

An oblivious Pope who was too used of their affection to notice Grace's actions, continued their conversation. "All I'm saying is that John B is going insane. Someone's gotta be the voice of reason and I've taken on that role."

JJ who was still mainly focused on Grace, absentmindedly replied, "Mhm."

"Are you listening?"

"What...Oh. Right yeah, voice of reason, continue," JJ looked over at him.

"This whole goose chase has become a bit much don't you think?"

"Mhm," JJ muttered. He tried to catch a look at Grace's face but her head was still buried in his shoulder. Before Pope could make fun of him for being completely zoned out, a horn sounded making Grace pull her face from JJ's neck and look over at the Twinkie. John B had pulled up, a look of determination in his eyes as he gestured for the three of them to get in the car.

They all stood up, clambered into the back of the van and left for the Wreck.


"She says she's not coming," Pope shouted from the steps of the Wreck. 

"Why not? What'd you do to her, John B?" JJ accused from the passenger side of the Twinkie.

"Shit. Hang on. I'll deal with it." John B opened the driver's door and walked into the Wreck.

Once he was gone JJ climbed over the centre console into the back with Grace and Pope. 

"You really could've went around," Pope complained as JJ almost kicked him while climbing. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." JJ settled in beside Grace and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 

"All good Sunshine?" he whispered.

"Mhm," she replied while grabbing his hand to play with his rings.

"Why am I constantly the third wheel?" Pope groaned.

Grace and JJ rolled their eyes in unison as Kie climbed into the passenger's seat and John B started up the car.

As they drove Grace rested her head on JJ's shoulder and closed her eyes, on the verge of falling asleep. JJ looked down at her and smiled fondly, "You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low," JJ spoke. He would far rather sit in the Twinkie with a sleepy Grace than continue on this goose chase. 

"Oh, did you want a hit of this?" he asked Pope referring to the joint he was flailing around.

Pope held out his hand to stop JJ from shoving it in his face, "I keep the signal clear."

"Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative, then-" JJ started before being cut off by Grace, "Be nice JJ." He immediately shut up making Pope snicker.

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now