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standing on the podium by myself felt humiliating. I wanted to walk away but I forced myself through it with a fake smile. when everything was done I saw George standing talking to Christian and I assumed it was about Belle so I left before they saw me.

"Hey Verstappen" I heard someone call behind me so I turned to see George standing a few meters away.

"what do you want Russell"

"I swear if something serious had happened to belle because of your damn comments"

"what the hell are you talking about"

"thanks to you she could crash because of your damn comments. what the hell is wrong with you"

he stormed on to God knows where and I remained there motionless. it felt like I was paralyzed. it wasn't my fault that she was sensitive if she took something I said to heart. but at the same time I couldn't sound good from feeling some kind of guilt but I hardly knew why because I didn't care for the girl.

I waved those thoughts away and went to the media and did some interviews. of course everyone would ask questions about Belle. as if I knew how she felt. finally i lost my temper and walked away and i couldn't care less what everyone said.


I had been allowed back to my hotel room and George didn't leave my side for a second. He was always trying to get me to eat something, whether it was a bite of an apple or a whole meal. I was very thankful that he hadn't said anything to my parents so they just thought it was due to dehydration.

I had been ordered by George to go with him to Australia and take it easy before the Grand Prix. Danny had come up with something that some would do. I packed my things and got ready to go. George took my bag and we went down to the lobby to leave.

"George you know I can take my own bag right"

"yeah, but I'm your brother and you have your problems right now so I'll help"

I sighed but refused to protest. I sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window as we headed towards the plane. when I woke up we were there and we got on the plane and George immediately suggested a game of chess.


Danny had decided that me and a few others would go out camping. I didn't understand why because there were lots of scary animals that could probably kill me. The only ones I knew would be there were Danny, George and Lando but I knew more would be there.

I was in the car with Danny, my brother and Lando and we were blasting music very loud. I stuck my head out the window and felt free. I hadn't felt that feeling in a long time and I knew nothing could ruin it this weekend. Or at least that's what I thought.

we had arrived at the spot Danny had chosen to camp at and I must say it looked very nice. The others who were supposed to arrive hadn't arrived yet, so we who were now there started to set up the tents. I was going to share a tent with Lando after George complained that I was snoring too loudly, everyone knew it was actually him who snores.

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