Lano Norris - Good to see you

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You were wandering down the streets of Monaco making a call on your phone. You were so engrossed in the conversation you were having with the other person that you weren't watching where you were going and bumped into a man who was standing on the side of the street outside a grocer.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" you said putting a hand on his arm pulling down your sunglasses.

"It's okay I-" he paused before looking at you.


Your eyes went wide as did his.

"Y/n" he whispered scanning your body up and down

"Lando" you said still in shock.

"I haven't seen you since..." he said trailing off.

You squeezed your eyes and shook your head "yes since uh that um unfortunate incident. I guess is what you could call that" you said becoming visibly hurt.

A pained expression filled his face.

"Anyway. Lovely to see you" you said before putting your sunglasses back on your face to continue your walk.

"Wait wait" he said grabbing your arm "let me buy you a coffee or something. Do you have time to catch up?" He asked.

You sighed before staring his desperate eyes and gave in nodding. He smiled and the two of you wandered off to a lovely little cafe down the road. You sat outside and the waiter brought over menus and started with drinks. You ordered a hot chocolate and Lando a coffee.

"No coffee for you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well" you said pointing to your pregnant belly "I've already had my intake for the day" you said smiling before resting a hand on your belly.

"I cannot believe it" he said smiling at you "how far are you?"

"8 months" you said readjusting yourself on the seat.

"Wow" he said looking down at your belly again.

"Yeah" you smiled rubbing your hand over it. "So what is happening with you?" You asked.

"Same old. Not much really" he said chuckling "just racing and trying to win the championship"

"Nothing else really?" You pressed.

"Um no" he said looking guilty "she broke up with me after 6 months. Said I couldn't commit to her enough" Lando said looking down at his coffee playing with the spoon.

"Interesting" you said taking a sip of your hot chocolate "so you could say in the end it wasn't worth it" you said peeking over your mug.

"Definitely" he said sighing before looking up at you with guilty eyes.

You always knew that he was cheating on you so you let him have it. In the end it obviously didn't work out and you knew that. But you couldn't let him keep stringing you along.

"So what's happening with you?" He asked leaning back in his chair.

"Well" you said sighing "I'm pregnant" you said smiling.

"Yes" he said chuckling.

"Um I also got marred two years ago" you said showing him the giant stone and wedding band.

"What?" Lando asked, the colour draining his face.

"Yeah. He's really lovely. Takes really good care of us" you said gesturing to your belly.

"Wow" was all that managed to come out of Lando's mouth.

There was a silence as you took another sip from your mug.

"Can I ask who he is?" Lando said playing with his spoon again.

"You might know him actually" you said preparing for the conversation to get awkward.

"It's Max" you said trying to avoid eye contact.

"You married my best friend?" He said shocked.

"What?" You said looking confused "no you" you said laughing and shaking your head.

"I mean 3 time world champion max verstappen" you said chuckling.

"But I've never seen you at any of the races. I've never seen you step foot into the paddock" he said trying to connect the dots.

"Max and I keep our relationship out of the spotlight. Very low key. He doesn't really like it but he understands it's what I want. I promised him that after we had the baby I would start being more public" you said finishing the last of your mug.

"But Max has never said anything. I mean we knew he was dating someone and we knew that he got married but he never divulged" Lando said looking at you, your belly and then your hand.

"We are very good at keeping secrets" you said laughing "unlike others" you murmured under your breath kind of hoping he had heard.

"But when did you two even get together?" Lando asked still confused.

"About a year after we had broken up. I bumped into Max whilst I was on a run in one of the local parks. We got to chatting. He told me he was really sorry about what had happened between you and I. We actually went for coffee at the cafe over there" you said pointing across the road "and then it kind of fizzled out but once he came home for summer break we kind of reconnected and yeah" you said shrugging.

Lando was lost for words. He wasn't really sure what to say or what to do. All he knew was now he had absolutely no chance of ever having you ever again and it broke him to pieces.

After an uncomfortable silence Lando broke it speaking up "I was coming back for you" he said trying to make desperate eye contact.

"No you weren't" you said placing a hand on top of his "it's been 5 years Lando. You were never coming back for me" you said squeezing his hand.

"I was I swear I just" he said before his lip started to quiver and his eyes watering.

"Lan" you said softly "you made your bed and now you have to lie in it. You don't like it? Well that's your fault. I'm sorry to be so harsh but let's face it, maybe after a year yeah we could've made it work. Maybe I would have forgiven you but it wouldn't have been the same. You and I both know we were never going to work out".

"But I do still love you" he said placing his other hand on top of yours.

"And I still love you Lando. You'll always have a place in my heart. But we will never be together. You had the chance and you ruined it" you said trying to meet his sad brown eyes.

He just stared at you like a little lost puppy and you couldn't help but feel bad. You pulled your hand away and readjusted yourself on your seat crossing one leg over the other. You leaned back in your chair and watched a single tear fall down Lando's cheek. You were upset for him. Just as the silence was about to be prolonged a voice broke you out.

"Lando" Max said wandering up to your table "good to see you mate" he said stretching out his hand.

Lando hesitantly shook it before staring up at the Dutchman.

"You're a very lucky man Max" he said looking down at you and smiling.

"I know" he said placing a hand on your shoulder. You smiled and squeezed it.

"We were just catching up. Congratulations by the way" he said painfully smiling.

"Thanks man" Max said before the room fell silent "we better get going love" he said before grabbing your hand to help you up.

"It was good to see you Lando" you said grabbing your bag and coat.

Lando grabbed your arm "I miss you. I'm sorry for what I did. I hope you're happy now" he said squeezing your arm.

You embraced him in a hug before leaving with Max.

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