Max Verstappen - Leaving

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Dating Max had its ups and downs. Lately it had been challenging and it seemed that the entire relationship for the last couple of months had been a series of downs that you were sure couldn't get any worse but did. Whilst he was currently in the peak of his career, breaking records and living it up with expensive and nice things it also meant that his drinking increased and sometimes got out of hand.

It was currently 11.30pm and you had already locked up the apartment you shared with Max in Monaco. You had showered and eaten dinner by yourself like you did pretty much every night, even when Max was home for the weekend or home for a couple of weeks it was only half the time you would actually sit down and have a meal together or spend time together.

You completed your nightly routine before texting Max and asking the usual questions. When are you going to be home? Well what time did you start drinking? Make sure you're safe. See you in the morning.

The conversation became quite standard. You missed the old Max, the Max you fell in love with, the Max that would wine and dine you as much as he could. The Max that you were currently with was different, he seemed less interested and when it came to him coming home after a night out, you didn't want to be around him, especially if he hadn't driven well that weekend.

On the weekends that he hadn't driven well and went for a night out you often stayed with your friends in fear that Max would come home and take his anger out on you. After the first time you opted not to stay and take it. After the first time you became a lot more alert around Max, especially when alcohol was involved.


You woke up the next morning and Max was passed out in bed still fully dressed from the night before. You sighed and got up out of bed getting ready to start your day. You had gone to the gym, showered, cleaned the entire apartment and gone grocery shopping by the time Max had gotten up and out of bed. You were annoyed but continue to unpack the groceries. He offered to help but you turned him down and let him know you could do it by yourself seeing as you were used to it. He frowned and returned to the couch watching you unload the groceries.

You checked the time and decided to get ready. You were going out to dinner tonight with a couple of the guys and their partners. You dressed up with a pair of flowing white business pants, a black turtle neck and heels. You did your hair and makeup before wandering back out into the living room.

"Wow you look beautiful y/n" Max said turning off his phone, staring at you before standing up to give you a cuddle.

You smiled and accepted it. He placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Everything okay?" He asked looking down at you.

You sighed. Everything wasn't. "Yes" you said slapping a smile on your face "we should get going, we'll be late".

Max wasn't convinced but nodded to avoid an argument and you headed out to the restaurant. You took your seats next to Daniel and his girlfriend and engaged in conversation. You admired the relationships of all the other drivers and their partners. As you sat at dinner you noticed Max's drink never not got replenished and you could hear him starting to get intoxicated.

His every move was making you flinch. It wasn't on purpose. Just a reaction.

Daniel tapped you on the arm "are you okay?" He asked concerned.

You nodded "of course. Why wouldn't I be" you said smiling.

"What are you guys talking about?" Max asked butting his head into the conversation. He raised his arm to push Daniel in a joking manner before you flinched again.

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