Charles Leclerc - Away

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Inspired by the song From the Dining Table by Harry Styles.


It was 10am and Charles had just woken up. He rolled over in bed and pat the empty space next to him. He blinked a couple of times before opening his eyes fully and looking over at the spot that used to be filled but alas he woke up alone. He sighed before sitting up in bed. He grabbed his phone off the side table and looked through his messages. Nothing. He looked through his calls. Nothing.

He opened his Instagram and was scrolling through his feed when you graced his screen. He stopped scrolling and stared. He stared for what felt like hours but was merely only minutes. He admired your photo of you standing in some random bar, holding a vodka lime soda, eloquently posing for the camera. He swiped through the three photos you had posted and landed on the last one of you with a group of men and a couple other women. He didn't recognise some of them but was disgruntled that other men were touching you. Not that he had the right to anymore.

Ever since you had left, Charles became different. He was drinking during the day, he was less outgoing, less responsive, he never wanted to spend anytime outside the bed and when he did he would usually get drunk and either pass out or take some lucky girl home with him. But he didn't want any of that. Besides, none of them compared to you.

You hadn't spoken to each other since that day. The day you found out. The day you left. The day you never looked back. As the days, weeks and months went by, all Charles wanted to do was talk to you but you didn't care for him. You didn't want to hear what he had to say to you. You didn't want to even know of his existence anymore. How he wished so badly that you would be the first one to break and pick up the phone and call him.

After finishing up the race in Spain, Charles headed back home to Monaco where he would spend some time with friends and family although he secretly hoped that he would bump into you at some point. Whilst likely, you wouldn't give him the time of day.

He had arrived home a couple of days earlier and was in Monaco city to meet a couple of friends for lunch when he bumped into one of your friends from work, Rueben. He noticed that he was wearing a pinstriped white and beige button up business looking top that looks strangely like the one he had left at your apartment. He raised an eyebrow and continued to look. As soon as Rueben's eyes met his he quickly averted his gaze and looked at the ground. He was hoping he hadn't made it too obvious that he was looking at hime but it was clear that didn't work.

"Charles?" Rueben called out to him.

He stopped and looked over at Rueben before a fake smile lit up his face "Rueben" he said lightly.

Rueben stuck out his hand for Charles to shake and he took it firmly before shoving his hands in his pockets. He took note of the smirk currently written all over Rueben's face.

"How are you?" Rueben asked crossing his arms.

"I am good I am good. How are you?" Charles asked stuttering.

"I'm good. Really busy with work at the moment but that's always good isn't it" he said smiling.

Charles nodded his head "uh how's y/n doing?" He tried to ask nonchalantly.

Rueben's face lit up and his smirk became wider "she's really good. She's doing well. She just got promoted at work which she was stoked about and worked really hard for. She's currently over in Japan for work, part of the perks of becoming management aye" he said laughing shaking his head.

Charles heart dropped. There was now definitely no chance of bumping into you now that you were on the other side of the world. Growing angrier by the second at being in the presence of Rueben Charles politely said good bye and stormed off to lunch with his friends.

Feeling hot headed and annoyed Charles spoke to his friends at lunch about what to do. They all told him to let it go. He told them that he wished you would just call him and talk to him. They told him there was no way that was happening.

To try and get you off of his mind, the boys organised to go out later that evening to a couple of clubs and bars in Monaco. Maybe they could find him someone else to worry over. They weren't confident but it couldn't hurt could it?

Charles ended up getting drunk that evening as he did most evenings and took home a lucky lady. Despite sleeping with someone he just didn't feel satisfied. He sat up in bed and looked over at the girl who was sleeping next to him. She looked just like you. It was currently 3am and he couldn't sleep and he needed her out of his bed. He stared at her not sure how to get her to leave. Eventually he woke her up and your name almost slipped out of his mouth.

He quickly corrected himself and called her a cab. She quickly got dressed, huffed in annoyance at having to leave before telling him not to call her. He wouldn't be anyway. The only person he wanted to call wouldn't pick up his calls or texts. Maybe it was for the best. How so desperately he wanted to have you back with him, in his arms.

One day he thought.

One day you'll call.

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