Max Vertsappen - By myself

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"Max" you called out from the ensuite.

You waited for a moment. No answer.

"Max" you called out again.

You were in the middle of applying your mascara.

"MAX" you screamed.

No answer again.

You closed your eyes and sighed. You gripped the bench of the sink, knuckles turning white before taking a breath and walking towards your babies room.

"Shhhhh" you hushed wandering over to the screaming baby, picking him up and pulling him close to your chest hushing him. You went and sat on the rocking chair in the corner and began to hum closing your eyes hoping that the sound your beating heart and humming would soothe him back to sleep.

You opened your eyes and sure enough after 15 minutes of this the 6 month old was asleep. You continued to rock patting him on his bum to ensure he was definitely asleep. As you looked up from your baby you saw Max in the doorway taking a photo of the two of you. You didn't both reacting and instead stood up and put Bub back in his crib. You pulled the covers up slightly and stayed there for a moment watching him stir. He eventually went back to sleep and you breathed a sigh of relief.

You pushed past max who was busy staring at his phone wandering back to the ensuite. You continued with your makeup finishing applying mascara to your other eye.

"Are you okay?" Max asked sitting on the bed staring at you in the mirror.

"Yeah" you said briefly making eye contact with him "just peachy" you said in a flag tone.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked growing concerned, removing himself from the bed he wandered up behind you lightly resting his hands on your waist.

You leaned back into him and breathed a long sigh, tears threatening your eyes. You thought for a minute about to say something "it's okay it's nothing" you said lifting back off Max.

"Are you sure?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" you nodded packing away your makeup.

You pushed past him and grabbed your outfit out of the wardrobe. You had opted for a dress that had easy access so you could breastfeed. You put on some perfume, earrings, and a couple of silver rings before putting on your knitted jacket. You could feel Max staring at you the entire time.

You cleared your throat before grabbing your phone and putting it in your pocket. You wandered back into bubs room and checked on him to find him still sleeping. You smiled down at him before grabbing a few nappies, a couple of spare change of clothes and more baby wipes to replenish your baby bag.

You walked out of his room closing the door behind you and clipping the baby monitor onto your sleeve of your jumper. You wandered down the hall and out into the kitchen where your bags and pram were. You stuffed the nappies and clothes and wipes into the bag and then grabbed the pram packing everything into the car. You were getting ready to go to Daniel and Heidi's house for lunch with the rest of the F1 boys.

You wandered back inside and checked your watch. Bennie had now been sleeping for 2 hours and would probably wake in the next 20 for a feed. You wanted to wait until after he had been fed to put him in the car because he would probably fall back asleep so that when you arrived at Daniels he would be nice and pleasant. Hopefully.

As you wandered into the lounge room you found Max sitting on his phone again. As soon as he noticed you he put it down noticing the annoyed expression on your face.

"We should get going" he said smiling up at you.

"We can't. I need Bennie to be up and then I need to feed them we can go" you said crossing your arms.

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