Lando Norris - Teeth in my neck

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It was getting hot in the club. You grabbed another drink from the bar and headed outside to grab some fresh air. The cold air hit your straight in the face as you stepped onto the balcony and you set your drink down on a table near by so you could fix up your make up. You put your compact away and fixed your dress before grabbing your drink taking a long sip. You stared out at the city lights around you taking in the fresh air.

"Drinking alone?" A cute Englishman asked approaching your from behind.

You scoffed "not quite" you said turning around.

"Well then why are you out here by yourself?" He asked looking around confused raising an eyebrow.

"It was getting hot inside I stepped out here for some air" you said finishing your drink and placing it on the table "excuse me" you said smiling.

"Leaving already?" He asked pouting.

You stopped and gave him a an unimpressed look.

"Join me for a drink?" He asked.

You sighed and rolled your eyes weighing it up in your head "uh yeah sure".

"Great" he said smiling leading you toward the bar.

He bought you a drink and slid it across the table. You thanked him and took a sip.

"So what's your name cowboy?" You asked cradling your glass with both hands.

"Huh?" He almost spat out his drink looking surprised "you don't know who I am?"

You gave him a blank look "should I?" You asked uncertainly raising an eyebrow.

"Lando" he said laughing "Lando Norris"

"Y/n" you said holding out your hand "y/n y/l/n".

He took your hand and squeezed it. "Nice to meet you y/n"

"So what do you do with yourself mr. you don't know who I am"

He scoffed. You were cheeky and he liked it.

"What if I told you I'm a formula one driver"

"Congratulations I guess" you said shrugging sipping your drink.

Lando sat back in amazement "huh" he said before a smile formed on his lips.

"I'm sorry I'm not much of a sports fan" you said chuckling.

"No it's okay. It's refreshing" he said taking a sip of his drink "what do you do with yourself?"

"I work at the zoo I'm a penguin stander uperer" you said finishing the last of the cocktail savouring it's taste.

"Sorry I'm not sure I heard you correctly. Penguin stander uperer?" He asked cocking his head to the side looking confused.

"Yeah. The zoo I work at is near the airport and so when the planes fly over the penguins all watch and stare and then fall over because they can't stop staring at the plane so I go in and I stand them back up again"

"I can't tell if you're joking"

A smile creeped on to your face before you laughed "I was joking. I'm a waitress".

"Wow" Lando said amazing and finishing the last of his drink

"You seem really fascinated with me tonight" you said playing with the glass on the table.

"I've never met someone like you"

"Wanna get drunk?"

"Sure" Lando said taken aback "you are very" Lando said his eyes darting all over your face but no words came out his mouth. He shook his head and laughed.

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