Carlos Sainz - Papa

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"Hey honey" you said answering Carlos call on your Bluetooth. You were currently on your way to pick up your son from daycare after work and we're running late.

"Are you okay cariño?" Carlos asked worriedly.

"Yes all good just running late to pick up Frankie" you said careful watching your speed as you drove towards daycare.

"Okay okay be safe. Hey are you going to watch the race?"

"Yes of course darling. Frankie is so excited that a race is finally going to be on whilst he is awake. I said he could stay up tonight" you said smiling thinking about your son excited to watch his father doing what he loves.

"I wish you could both be here" Carlos said which made you get emotional.

"You know we would love to but I couldn't with work" you frowned.

"I know carino I know. I love you"

"I love you too Carlos. I gotta run I'm about to arrive at daycare. I'll text you later" you said pulling up in the car park.

Carlos said goodbye and you hung up swiftly grabbing your bag and shoving your phone in. You wandered through the gate of the daycare and headed in to the front desk.

"Good evening Mrs Sainz" one of Frankie's teachers said.

"Good evening Miss Fischer" you smiled.

"Frankie is so excited to go home. He's been telling everyone about your husbands race tonight. He is very excited to watch" she chuckled.

You laughed "bless him. I think he's more excited that he gets to stay up late"

"Does he know those races go for a long time?"

You shook your head "no. He will be in for quite the shock" you said smiling.

She giggled as you signed Frankie out and headed into one of the classrooms to get you. You hadn't even made it through the door before Frankie was at your feet "mama" he smiled up at you hugging your legs.

"Hey baby" you smiled tousling his hair.

You grabbed his backpack and said good bye to the other kids before heading back out the front. Miss Fischer said goodbye to Frankie and you wished her a good weekend. Frankie was especially excited, not only could he watch his papa race tonight but his papa would be home tomorrow evening. To Frankie this was one of the greatest weekends of his life.

You picked Frankie up and held him on your hip as you wandered back to the car. You buckled him into his car seat and threw his bag and your bag into the front seat. You buckled up and drove back home.

"Alright baby we are going to go and take the dog for a walk, come home and have some dinner, we will get you in the bath and then in some jammies and then we will sit and watch the race. That okay?" You asked as you followed him into the house closing the garage door behind you.

"Yeah yeah yeah" Frankie squealed running through the hallway.

You shook your head as you put away your bag and Frankie's. You slipped off your heels and shoved on some sneakers. You pulled out Frankie's pram and set it to the side. You grabbed Frankie a snack to keep him occupied while you buckled him into the pram. You wheeled him and the dog out the door and did a quick 4km walk. Enough to tucker the dog out and enough to make you feel like you accomplished some good exercise today.

As you got home you fed the dog and prepared dinner for yourself and Frankie. He fussed over his food but you persevered and eventually dinner was over in an hour. You took a deep breath as you placed your bowls in the sink before getting Frankie's bath ready. He was desperate to see his papa on the screen so you turned on the race watching everyone be interviewed.

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