Kimi Räïkkönen - Shut Up

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You grabbed the popcorn from the microwave and threw it into a bowl. You grabbed your water bottle and the bowl and headed over to the couch to where Kimi was sitting shuffling through Netflix to find something to watch.

"Picked anything yet?" You asked getting comfortable and throwing some popcorn into your mouth.

Kimi shook his head.

You smiled and nodded watching him flick through some movies before settling in on one. He smiled at you wrapping an arm around your shoulders pulling you in before grabbing a handful of popcorn.

You were halfway through the movie when you noticed Kimi had his eyes closed. You rolled your eyes shaking your head laughing before judging him awake "babe" you said shaking him slightly.

"Huh?" He asked blinking his eyes open.

"You fell asleep" you said laughing.

"Wake me up when you're going to bed" he said before slinking down into the couch closing his eyes.

"No way" you said pushing him "go to bed I'll join you soon".

He sighed before climbing off the couch. He placed a kiss on your lips before turning around and heading towards the bedroom. You knew that as soon as he put his head on that pillow he would be out like a light.

You turned down the volume on the TV and picked your favourite tv show settling in for a long haul. You only had a couple of episodes left and you were dying to see them.

You sat sobbing on the couch as the credits played sad that your favourite tv show had come to an end but agreed that anymore may be a bit too much. You dried your tears on your top before climbing off the couch and heading to the kitchen placing the popcorn bowl in the sink. You locked up and turned off the lights before heading to the bedroom. You creeped into your bedroom trying your best not to make a sound. It was harder than it sounded though. You opened the door slowly and creeped in tip toeing towards your ensuite when you heard a grumble from under the sheets.

You froze in your tracks as you stared at your boyfriend rolling over and touching his phone. He opened one eye, presumably checked the time before closing it again "it's so late. What are you doing?" He asked in a grizzly voiced.

"Sorry honey" you said laughing "I just finished the last episode of the latest season of The Office" you said turning the bathroom light on.

"Uh huh" was all that came out of Kimi's mouth.

"So" you said chatting away to him as you took your makeup off, brushed your teeth and doing your ten step skin care routine.

You paused but only for moment whilst your showered before changing into your pyjamas. You then turned the bathroom light off, grabbed your water bottle and placed it on the night stand. You grabbed your phone and plugged it into your charger before setting it down on the night stand.

You managed to snuggle your way into bed wrapping yourself up in the covers before turning to Kimi "and then they finished just like that" you said blinking trying to figure out Kimi's face that was softly illuminated by the city lights.

He opened one eye to look at you "do you ever stop talking?" He asked before a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes" you said acting offended.

"I love you babe but please no more about the office" he said laughing before snuggling in closer to you.

Formula 1 - One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora