Lando Norris - Vlog

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"Good morning everyone" Lando said staring into his camera still tucked in bed. His hair sticking out in all directions, voice still raspy from just having woken up. He sat up in bed, fixed his hair and then turned to you watching you doze in and out of sleep.

"I know you guys have been requesting this one for a while so without further ado, this is a day in the life of my pregnant wife" he said smiling before turning to the camera to you. He turned the camera back to himself putting a finger over his mouth "shhhh she's sleeping still" he whispered.

He stopped recording before gently nudging you awake. You groaned rubbing your eyes open and turning to look at him.

"If we are going to be vlogging today I'm going to need to start the day with a top" you said closing your eyes again motioning down to the fact that your boobs were hanging out doing their own thing under the doona.

"Oh yes that would be a good start" he said chuckling before clambering out of bed to retrieve one of your large t-shirts you had been living in for the past week.

He helped you roll of your side and sit up in bed. You pulled the t-shirt over you and grabbed your glasses off the wooden side table and pushed them up the bridge of your nose. You grabbed your phone before stealing a quick glance at him. Still gorgeous as ever even if he was running on 5 hours sleep because you disturbed him every time you needed to pee at night.

"Ready?" Lando asked scooting in next to you and pointing the camera.

You nodded hesitantly and he hit record.

"As you may all know this is my beautiful wife y/n" he said smiling over at you.

You offered a small wave.

"We're going to be following you around babe"

"Sounds great. Might be boring though considering I'm essentially just waiting for Bub to arrive at this point" you said yawning.

He shook his head laughing "we will make it interesting".

"Well the first thing I'm going to do is go to the toilet because I am busting. I can tell you all I've literally been peeing every 3 hours so sleep is not my friend right now so sorry if a nap is involved in this day in the life" you said laughing before removing the doona off your legs and sliding off the bed.

You hobbled off to the toilet and Lando commentated things about your pregnancy whilst you were peeing. You finished up and came out hobbling over to him.

"This has to be one of my favourite things about the pregnancy is the little penguin walk that y/n has developed" he said laughing as you hobbled over to the bed.

You rolled your eyes shaking your head.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Lando asked pointing the camera at you.

"Well I'm going to go to the kitchen and have some brekkie, then brush my teeth and get changed. Take the doggo for a walk and hope that that will induce labour, finish setting up the last of the nursery stuff and then probably take a nap and then we have dinner with Carlos and his girlfriend here so prep for that I guess" you said shrugging your shoulders.

"Action filled day for you guys" Lando said turning the camera toward himself.

You laughed shaking your head before waddling off toward the kitchen.

"What's on the menu my love?"

"Today we will be having French Toast, some fruit and some yoghurt and seed mix" you said smiling grabbing a bowl and some ingredients.

"This looks like it's gonna be good" Lando said smiling before settling the camera down on a stack of books on the bench. He grabbed his speaker from the living room and wandered back in turning it on before turning on a kitchen playlist full of sighing and low tunes. You know he was going to turn this into a kitchen montage.

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