Part 39(Finale)

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2 years later

Sky Pov

"Today, I might come home late. Don't wait for me!", I pre informed P' Prai before heading out to my university. It seems like just now I started university, but now I am in the final semester.

I will be completing my course in 6 months and after that, I have decided to join  P' Prai's company as an interior designer intern.

We had a lot of fights over this, as I suggested I would not work with him, but he convinced me that he would treat me like an employee and begged me not to work in either of his competitive companies as an interior designer.

And he even agreed to pay me an entry-level salary if I stayed in his company.

But don't you think it would be cool to work in the same company as partners? I can see him whenever I want to and I can even eat lunch with him.

So right now, the only thing that is pending for me is to complete my final year project which I tagged along Rain. We have already prepared the prototype, but today we need to finalize it. So, that's why I might be getting home late today.

"You would be with Rain right?", he questioned me.

"Yeah...", I said to him packing up my Drafting holder. He was still in bed unable to open his eyes. All our dresses were scattered in our room after our heavy make-out last night.

I put a few shattering clothes in the laundry bin. But since I was running late, I just left for him to clean the rest of the stuff.

"Would you want me to drop?", P'Prai asked me lightly opening his eyes from sleep.

"No. Rain is on his way to pick me up!", I said and slammed the door shut and exited the house.

Things changed a lot after that proposal 2 years back, on the eve of Christmas. As you all have expected, I said YES. I cannot reject his proposal. I have never felt so comfortable around anyone in my life, I don't want to lose P'Prai, so I said yes to his proposal on one condition that we marry after I graduate and save enough.

Rain was waiting for me outside patiently in his car. As soon as I opened the front door he greeted me warmly and started heading out to the campus.

"Have you corrected the measurement error we got yesterday?", I asked Rain, hoping he would complete it.

"Yeah, I did!", he surprised me with his answer.

"How come? I thought you would be busy with P'Payu and have skipped the work", I sarcastically kidded him.

"No....P'Payu was out of town, some site issue for the Race next month, so I was all alone.", he pitted himself.

"Ok...ok...stop pitting yourself. We should complete our project's prototype by today, whatever it takes us. Though we become drunk in caffeine, we should complete by today"

We were working so vigorously, that we even forgot to have our lunch it was almost 5 in the evening and we already had 4 cups of coffee.

Meanwhile, Rain, whinnied why he chose architecture degree 3 times out of frustration! At last, when we completed, we decided to head home before stopping to eat hotpot.

"Ah... it's been so long that we have eat outside alone!", Rain complained. But he was true and it was good because most of the time, we happened to eat with our partners or go on a double date, but with a friend, it is always special.

"How was your interview that you attended last week?", I asked him out of curiosity.

"I did pretty well. They were awed by my work on my blogs and websites, so they were ready to give me a Junior Architectural Journalist role. It's great, right? They are even okay to provide work from home! So I can spend my time more with P'Payu"

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