Part 23

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I was going all the way with great doubt about how I am going to convince my mom. By the time Prai called me.



"What is the Problem in the family?"

"My parents found out about my brother being gay. And he said that they were physically and mentally abusing him over the phone today morning. He wanted me there and I dont want to disturb you the morning because you were sleeping after a rough night", by the time I was talking to him, the cab was standing in a signal. Probably the cab driver could hear us talk. But I never mind.

"What are you going to do?", he asked. The great concern in his voice was evident.

"Try to make them convince."

"What if they don't?"

"I will try my best"

"You are going to argue for your brother by saying you are Gay too? Do you want me there?"

"Of course......", after a gap I said, "Not. But I will come out to them I guess."

"Okay then, keep me updated. If they touched you like your brother, I cannot guarantee the safety of your parents", he sounded real. But I guess, I am not going to let that go that far.

"Okay sure", I said to him smiling.

"Text me after you reach there."


I was gazing at Lopburi. My place. I have always felt like I belong there. Though I wanted to escape this place when I know I cannot fit in this place as a gay. My heart longs to stay here. Because HOME IS WHERE HEART IS RIGHT?

I called my brother. He didn't pick up. There are a lot of "What if" questions circling in my mind. I don't know how to check if he was fine. But I went there with a lot of hope that he will be fine.

I entered home thinking that none of my parents would be home. But to my surprise, both of them were there.

"Sky, you are home. You didn't inform us anything.", my mom told me.

"Yeah. I wanted it to be a surprise", I forced a smile and said it to my mom.

By that time, my father came from the kitchen sipping his cup of coffee. "You two didn't go to work today?", I asked.

My father was the strictest person I have ever known. Even I can tolerate my mother but not my father. I hated him the most.

"This is our house, we know when to go to work or stay at home", he said in a rather commanding tone.

That was hurting. Hurting. But I should not show myself weak before them. Because the next thing I am going to talk to them is about the future of me and my brother. So, they want to see me as a grown adult.

"Okay", I just pretended I didn't care.

"Sky, go fresh up and come let us have breakfast together", my mom talked to lighten up the atmosphere's situation.

I took that time as a good time to go and approach my brother and talk about what the hell is happening. They are even pretty good at hiding what is going on with my brother.

I crossed the door to his room. And I opened them. To my surprise, I found him in the worse possible condition. He was beaten so badly. He seemed to be crying all night long.

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