Part 4

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I can never believe that Prai is renovating this bar. Yeah but I remembered him saying he is an alumnus of our university.

"So, you guys know each other?", my uncle asked me in surprise.

"You are the one your uncle said about taking the Architecture course and struggling?", he asked surprised.

"Uncle, when did I say I am struggling?", I asked him in surprise.

"I thought your visit here is concerned with your course and asked Mr. Prai to mentor you.", he said.

"I will leave you guys here and you discuss", he added leaving us both at our table.

"Sky, don't you have class today?", he asked. I know he will ask me this question.

"I did have.", I answered rather embarrassed to tell him that I had bunked my class.

"You bunked?", he asked.

"Yeah. Perhaps.", I answered.

"Your wound on your face was still there.", he pointed to my wound on my face.

"Hmm... It takes time to heal", I acknowledged.

I don't know what to ask him. I didn't come here to seek academic advice, but rather my emotional support.

"Sorry P'Prai, I am okay with my academics. My uncle misunderstood and asked for your help.", I apologized to him.

"Oh. It's all right.", he said.

"How is your class going?", he asked.

I wanted to tell him, it was like hell. But rather I said, "Yeah fine"

"Why did you choose Architecture?", he asked me.

This question, I cannot stop answering. "To be honest, I was good at drawing anime and all the Scenery and portrait of the people, so I chose it"

My hand itched to show my art collection. And finally, I even did. "See, this is my Instagram account, I post all the drawings that I draw."

He scrolled through the pictures and never took his eyes off any of the pictures. I could see, he was amazed.

"Wow, you have great potential and a great artistic vision.", he said.

"You have a great scope in the future.", he added.

"Thanks.", I blushed.

I excused myself to the washroom. I took a loo there and washed my hands in the tap and looked at myself in the mirror and saw how much I am going through right now and how my wish to be happy led me to a great problem that even interferes with my academics.

Prai entered the washroom. I smiled at seeing him through the mirror. He went straight to the tap and washed his hands.

"I am about to leave. So, thought of informing you.", he said.

"And by the way, you are cute like your drawings.", he complimented.

He was standing right to me. And on the account of reaching for tissues which were on my left, he brushed my back and reached for them.

Is he trying to seduce me?

He was standing so close behind my back. And his hot air from his breath touched my ear lobes and they did something to me.

A strange sense of fire spread all across my body. The feeling that I usually get when Tharn and type have sex scenes in the series Tharn Type.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to capture this feeling. I don't know what my mind wants. Should I continue this? Or should I push him away and ask him to stay in his line?

I turned back to look at him. He was still standing close to me, with his lower part of my body brushing my lower part. And I could feel the sense of lust in his eyes.

"What do you want P'Prai?", I asked knowing exactly what he wants.

"You", he answered without thinking even for a bit. I didn't know how I had excited him this much.

He waited for my conset, once getting it from me, he never stopped looking me through those fierceful eyes. 

I am a little drunk to realize what is happening around me. He leaned towards me for a kiss.

I didn't stop either. I kissed back. He ripped open my shirt and started to kiss all over my body. I could feel he was so hard.

The fire spread over my chest, it was probably because I was happy. The content of happiness spread over my chest and I don't want it to stop.

Every inch of his touch added flame to the fire that is already burning in my body.

His trail of lips reached down to my abdomen and I helped him to get undressed. I opened his zipper, he did the same with mine.

First few minutes, he played with my thing, feeling it, and doing some naughty stuff with it. Later, he entered the real game.

He slammed me towards the wall there and kissed my back. I remembered that I am still a virgin. How could this time be? Will I be able to accept the whole thing into mine?

He wanted me to wet his thing so he made me squat down and lick his member. I am not well versed in this, but I knew what should be done and how should it be done.

I licked it till it became fully hard. He let out his moan, but never mentioned my name.

"Ah... Ah", he moaned. That was so pleasing to hear that.

He made me stand on my knees now and took out a condom from his pocket. He covered his little boy with the condom and placed his index finger over my hole.

That was only one finger, even that was so sensible and made me moan like hell. He knew exactly where to put what.

Then, he placed the next one into me. This time my moaning was more than before.

"Are you a virgin?", he asked. He probably is asking because of my screams while just getting inserted.

"Yeah", I said.

"That is great.", on saying he continued his act.

He got hold of my two hands and placed them over my head and inserted his member into my hole.

He slammed into me. A few times, and a few more times. I never had experienced such happiness in my life. This happiness is no happiness. This is a pleasure. The pleasure is like I am being in heaven dancing with the fairies and angels. My feet are not on the floor, they are flying.

I do not do drugs but I guess this is what they mean when they say they are high.

I felt the same thing I also had great pleasure. A few more times and I was oozing milk out of my thing. I am coming. He didn't still come inside me.

He still had the energy and continued his action, he hit my g spot I guess. I head over heels. I could not remember what he did, I was enjoying it. So, I could not remember the events cohesively happening to me.

I went by the flow and I yielded to what he did to me. He came inside me. He panted so hard after the event and took the tissues from the holder and wiped up his mess and even helped me with my mess.

Finally, he turned me towards him and made a final kiss, but that was too long. I could not control my joy for a few minutes, I forgot who I was and all the problems that I was having.

Thanks, guys for reading. It is a great honor that you guys have read too far of this story. Please let me know about the flow of the story in the comment section and please do vote for the story. Love you guys. I could not come up this far if you guys did not support this much. Check out my other books of Kim XChay and Love, Vegas. You would love them.

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